NZ newspapers & magazines

Yes, another list of NZ newspapers! But this one is a little different – it covers just the main newspapers and mags, and is designed for researchers wanting to easily locate all our holdings in just one place. Anyway have a look and please do let me know of any mistakes!

11 thoughts on “NZ newspapers & magazines”

  1. Thought you might be interested in a cataloguer’s perspective on this:

    "–newspapers" is a LCSH subdivision like "–periodicals" but it is only assigned in certain cases (i) for newspapers on a specific topic and (ii) newspapers about a specific place.

    I have added subject headings to our community newspapers because the content is mainly about local matters. (The subject heading is: Christchurch (N.Z.)–Newspapers)

    I’ve looked at the records in Max’s list and the only records which have "newspaper" subject headings are the indexes.

  2. Thanks Peter, that’s informative.

    I was asked to come up with it by a COMS lecturer, so it was created out of a specific user need. He first asked me to give a "quick refresher tutorial" on finding NZ newspapers to hons students. So I dutifully prepared and gave the tutorial last week, pointing out how to use the catalogue to find all the holdings in various formats in both CL and MB.

    At the end, however, this lecturer said that it’s still quite confusing for students trying to find all the newspaper holdings in the catalogue, and that it would be much easier if they could find this stuff in one place. So that’s what I tried to do…

    The feedback I’ve already had has confirmed that it’s definitely filling a need!

  3. This list is great to have. The summaries are most useful.

    I query the inclusion of Avenues? Perhaps the Womens Weekly should be on the list as well?
    You have also missed the Lyttelton Times off the list. I will contact you separately as there are a few other suggestions as well.

  4. Yep, I know what you mean Jenny about Avenues – I inlcuded it only because it’s aiming to be the Chch equivalent of Metro. But perhaps you’re right and it should come off…

  5. Interesting Peter – that makes more sense but just wondering how the include/exclude works. When should it not be there?

    Evening Post includes "Wellington (N.Z.) — Newspapers." but OTD does not have "Dunedin(N.Z.) — Newspapers." Could it? Equally does The Press fit under "Christchurch(N.Z.) — Newspapers."

  6. Adam’s point sounds perfectly reasonable – all the main NZ newspapers, especially, should be treated consistently and with ease of user access in mind.

  7. "Wellington (N.Z.) — Newspapers" has come in on a Serials Solutions record. It’s an American record and they probably thought it was a local newspaper. I’ll remove the heading. The major NZ dailies shouldn’t have headings of that type because the content covers international, national and local news.

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