Upcoming Professional Learning Workshops

Kia ora tātou,

We want to continue to grow our culture of positive workplace interactions. The aim for the following training is to add new skills to everyone’s communication toolbox.

The upcoming series of training workshops have been tailored for the Library, run by Sheffield and will be facilitated by Andrea Bankier.

These workshops will focus on interpersonal communication within a professional setting.

Everyone is encouraged to attend these sessions. The first round are in April and the follow up workshops will be in June.

Each workshop will be run twice to allow as many attendees as possible. Please only accept one invite in April and one in June.


Thursday 15th, 2-4pm

Tuesday 20th, 9-11am


Thursday 17th, 2-4pm

Tuesday 22nd, 9-11am

Please chat to your manager if you have any questions, or to add this into your Mahi Tahi as Professional Learning.

Ngā mihi,


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