Kia ora Koutou,
I am posting to let you know about our planned commemoration for Tomo Shibata. Tomo, as you know, died on Sunday just gone. He has now been laid to rest with the appropriate Buddhist rites in Japan. Leslie and Viktor have returned to live in Manilla, but she is planning to come back to Aotearoa New Zealand in March next year for a short time.
As there was understandably no local funeral or service that we could attend as a team, we will be holding a commemoration of Tomo here next week to allow a space for those of us who wish to, to say goodbye to our friend and colleague and to acknowledge him and his time with us.
When: Thursday 7 December, 10:00 a.m.
Where: Room 224, Central Library PJH.
Shared kai to follow: ELS workroom (Catered)
There will be only a few formalities, it will be mostly an informal chance for those who gather to share their memories and speak (if they wish to) about what Tomo meant to them.
I will shortly send out invites – including to people in the wider university, and some folks from outside with whom Tomo had close working relationships. The invitation is purely to help gauge catering needs, so if you are considering attending on the day, it will help if you hit the accept button.
Ngā mihi,