Disaster Response Team

For many years the Library has maintained a Disaster Response Team, along with documentation and equipment, in order that a planned, and co-ordinated response will be available when a “disaster” affects library materials.

Information on this team is on the wiki.

With the departure of Terri Elder from Library employment, I am pleased to announce that Jenny Owens is now prepared to take over the Disaster Response Coordinator role.

I have also asked Jenny to look at the following aspects of disaster response:
Size, structure and membership of the team
Clarifying terms of reference for the team
How the current documentation (a Response Manual and a Disaster Plan) fits with the Library Continuity Plan
Co-ordinate the maintenance and upgrading of the contents of the disaster carts
To propose an annual routine of 1-2 training sessions per year

When I have received the above from Jenny, I will put more information up on Counterculture.

I would like to see a reinvigoration of this aspect of library work, ready for when needed.


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