EPIC Resources

EPIC (Electronic Purchasing in Collaboration) is now on Twitter.

Paula Banks, EPIC Manager, says: “From our Twitter account, I’ll be posting updates about EPIC and links to any information that might be of interest in the subscription e-resource world. You can follow EPIC on Twitter by clicking on the following link Follow@EPICNZlibs.

To celebrate this, I thought it would be fun to do a bit of a giveaway. I have a whole bunch of very stylish (in a tacky promo kind of way) 1GB memory sticks to giveaway…but of course, (as is always the case when one gives away amazing, highly desirable prizes such as 1GB memory sticks) there is a wee catch…

I would like you to tweet me an e-resource tip. If I think the tip is worthy of re-tweeting, I will send you out a memory stick for your efforts.
• The tip can either be a general e-resource tip or a specific tip about any of the EPIC e-resources.
• For those of you that are not on Twitter, but really desperately want to share a tip or (more importantly) win a memory stick, you can also e-mail me your tip at epic@epic.org.nz.
• You do not have to be from an EPIC member library to be eligible for the giveaway, however, you do have to be based in New Zealand (I’m afraid the budget doesn’t stretch to overseas mail).
• The giveaway is open while stocks last…

So, give it a go and/or pass this info on to colleagues and friends. I am easily impressed.”


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