Level 3 Clearance Project update.

Thanks to all of the good work undertaken by many staff on the Level 3 Clearance Project, it is a pleasure to announce that from Monday 13th August work commences on stock movement between levels 3 and 4 of the Central Library and Library storage areas as part of the Level 3 Clearance Project. This may cause some inconvenience as physical stock moves from one location to another, we apologise in advance for this. Please be aware that there may be an increase in academics and students who approach the Information Desk during this period looking for resources that are on the move.

All Library Staff will be working to ensure that this project reaches its deadline of the 3rd September. There will be a minimum of two library assistants rostered in each library, while other library assistants are involved with the stock movements. It would be greatly appreciated if all other staff could make themselves available to assist on the information desk as and if required. If anyone has any concerns in relation to the arrangements for this project over the next three weeks then please feel free to approach your manager.

Heather Jenks
Associate University Librarian

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