We are missing a hold for a borrower. The title of the books is “The Juvenile Sex Offender” and the call number is RJ506 .S48 .J97 2007.
According to the catalogue, it was checked in at 11:34 am this morning at the Central Location, generating the hold. We have searched everywhere for it here and not found it.
If anyone has been using the Central Location elsewhere and remembers this title, could you please have a look for the item/let us know where it is.
Could it have checked in as the person it was issued to walked past the check in area? Nicola
We haven’t had such a problem with that since we adjusted the position of the bin, thankfully. But, it turned up today on the hold shelf exactly where it should have been. It has multiple requests on it, so I suspect someone snuck it off the hold shelf, used it, and then returned it to the shelf. Meanwhile, we’re all running around frantic!