Dynamic list pages in subject guides (attention liaison librarians)

Hi liaison librarians…

I’m just letting you know about a small change we have made to dynamic list pages in libguides (e.g. journal lists, database lists that are biblioplus_lg pages).
See http://canterbury.libguides.com/content.php?pid=32999&sid=241827#15503016 for an example of such a dynamic list box.
In the past these lists had a header which allowed you to change to a different sort option (e.g. sort by call). E.g. http://library.canterbury.ac.nz/webapps/public/biblioplus.php?page=span_jour
These sort links have been playing up in libguides so we have disabled them (only in the libguide version or the page i.e. those with biblioplus_log.php at the end of the remote script URLs). The default sort for most of these pages is by title alphabetical. If you would prefer call number or author sorts in your libguide remote script box – add &sort=call or &sort=author to the end of the URL. This may not work for all pages (it depends on the template they have been set up with).

Please contact e-services if you have any questions.

Kind Regards,

Romy (for e-services)

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