Library borrowers with lost books often assume that when they return a lost book after receiving a finance invoice that the debt is all cleared. In fact, if a lost book progresses to a finance invoice an additional non-cancellable $20 administration fee is included in the invoice. This fee does not show on Horizon and does not block borrowing, but still needs to be paid – even if the book is returned.
To make this clearer for our users, we have changed our process as follows:
- Customer Service Staff (specifically those who manage the lost book process in each library) will email people who have returned a lost book, advising them that their invoice has been adjusted and an admin fee will still be outstanding.
- The form that is sent to Finance to adjust a finance invoice has been reworded and renamed to make clear the invoice is being adjusted, not cancelled.
The template for staff to email borrowers and new adjust invoice form, as well as details about the lost book process, are on the wiki. Please let me know if you have any questions.