All posts by aar31

Distance Education Association of New Zealand – 2010 Conference

DEANZ is excited to announce their 2010 conference:

QUALITY CONNECTIONS, BOUNDLESS POSSIBILITIES Through open, flexible and distance learning
25-28 April, 2010 at Te Papa Tongarewa, Museum of New Zealand Wellington, New Zealand.

***Earlybird Registration closes 12th February 2010.***

The conference has two main themes: the challenge of building ‘Quality Connections’ and the ‘Boundless Possibilities’ available to educators, through open, flexible and distance learning.
The key question explored across both themes, relevant to all education sectors, is: How do the new places, spaces and tools of learning enhance outcomes and opportunities for learners?

See the Conference website for more details.

If any Library staff member is interested in attending this training opportunity, please discuss it as soon as possible with your manager or supervisor. I would like to have expressions of interest sent to me as soon as possible, so that the Library can take advantage of the Earlybird registration.


Workshop on rare books

There is a workshop being offered on “addressing market influences on a rare book today.”

See the course outline and who the presenters are here.

It is a full two-day course:
DATE: March 4 – 5, 2010
LOCATION: Auckland, New Zealand
HOSTED BY: Auckland City Libraries

Any expressions of interest in being considered to attend this need to be to me by 4pm, Wednesday 20 January.


Law Basement lighting

I have received feedback from some Library staff who regularly visit the Law Basement serials storage area. Visits are either to retrieve materials or deposit them back again.

Ceiling lighting in this area is as provided by FM, and the Library has supplied additional lighting for staff use in the form of portable halogen lamps, plus some hand-held torches.

Could I please have feedback on the individual perception of the lighting in this area from all Library staff who regularly visit it. This is to assist me in discussions with FM in the New Year.

Please send feedback to me by email.



Insync Survey 2009 – documents

The Library has now received all documentation from Insync regarding the Library services survey that took place in October.

The two winners of the $150 University Bookshop vouchers have been drawn, a photo taken of their presentation, and this has been placed on Library News and on Counterculture

I have provided a summary overview of the survey, and this has been distributed to LLT, Library Committee, and put on Counterculture for all Library staff.

Each member of LLT and BLT has received a print copy of the survey results.

The verbatim analysis has three files: a pdf of the report, plus two Excel files of the actual comments. I edited the original Excel file of comments so that it was possible to print off the comments in a coherent format. The original file is retained, and has the comments along with Insync’s allocation of them to different themes.

Each member of LLT and BLT has received copies of the verbatim analysis and the file of comments.

LLT has had an initial discussion of the results, and what it means for the Library, and a meeting for LLT and BLT for further detailed discussion is scheduled for 28 January 2010.

Library staff are welcome to view all of the above documents, but please be aware that in the verbatim comments there will be a number of Library staff who are specifically named. The Library believes in a culture of transparency and continual improvement, and all comments should be taken as opportunities to assess our service delivery and improve where possible.

Final report (pdf)
Verbatim analysis (pdf)
Verbatim comments (Excel)

Gifts and koha for 2009

The Chief Financial Officer has requested information about gifts received, or koha that has been given by the Library in 2009. This is to be included in the gifts register that the CFO maintains. For more detail on the UC Gift Policy, see it online.

If any Library staff have received gifts or hospitality over the value of $150 on any one occasion, can they please advise me as soon as possible.

If any koha has been given in 2009, I also need to be advised.



VALA 2010 Conference

The Library is to support four staff to attend VALA 2010, in Melbourne, 9-11 February.

Nicole Moffat (Collections)
Gerald Whitla (Collections)
Erin Kimber (Macmillan Brown Library)
Alison Johnston (Central Library)

As is usual with this conference, there is a full and interesting-looking programme.

I am sure that we all look forward to having a full and comprehensive report back from each staff member, so that their enthusiasm and new ideas will be made available to all staff.


Discount Purchasing opportunity at Noel Leeming or Bond and Bond

The following has been sent out from UC Procurement.

Through our procurement association with GSB an offer has been made by Noel Leeming and Bond+Bond of discounted rates for a period of 16th November to 22nd November to all University staff. Please see attached details.

This offer is open to all University staff upon presentation of their Canterbury Staff Card and is for personal purchases only (not Pcard).

Any queries regarding this offer should be directed to Noel Leeming and Bond+Bond directly and not to the Procurement team.

Unfortunately, we have missed this weeks all staff communication so I would appreciate your assistance in ensuring your staff are aware of this offer and are able to benefit from it if they wish to do so.

Kind regards


Karen Bennett
Procurement Services Analyst
Financial Services Department

Te Rōpū Whakahau Hui-ā-Tau 2010

Te Rōpū Whakahau is the network of Māori in Libraries and Information management. The 2010 National Hui-ā-Tau will be held at Onuku Marae, Akaroa, on 17-20 March 2010.

Any Library staff who identify as Māori are encouraged to join Te Rōpū Whakahau, and the Library would support and encourage Mâori to attend this hui.

Ariana Tikao is a member of the Planning Komiti and will be able to provide any further information.


Working Successfully through Change

During this period of rapid change within the University and the Library, I would like to point all Library staff in the direction of some pertinent training being made available.

Working Successfully through Change

Please note the four different dates of this course:
Wednesday 4 November
Wednesday 11 November
Monday 16 November
Tuesday 24 November
Tuesday 1 December

They are half day workshops; 9am-12.30pm. Please consult with your manager or supervisor about attending, and make a registration as soon as possible this week.
