All posts by aar31

PD&R process

The next stage of the annual cycle of PD&R should now be getting underway for the Academic Year Only staff, who will be leaving after Show Weekend.

The PD&R page on Camelot provides the simplest description of this process and the timeline. Otherwise, it links through to the documentation on the HR ToolKit site.

It is intended that the forms used for this are those provided by HR, but it is not a problem if other in-house forms are still being used in the interview. The most important part of this process is the meeting and discussion, and then the consequent documentation of agreed outcomes and goals for next year.

All Library staff are required to take part in this process, which between now and February next year is to consider a staff members’ objective for the next 12 months. The basis of the discussion will be the new-format PDs that most staff now have.

The documentation to be used is available from the HR ToolKit.

I recommend that either form B1 or form F1 is used.

After discussion between the reviewer and reviewee, a signed copy is sent to Library Administration for final signoff by the University Librarian, and a copy is put on the staff member’s personal file.


Insync Survey 2009

The biennial survey that the Library administers will be made available to Library users from Monday 5 October to Friday 16 October.

On Monday a live link to the Insync site and the University of Canterbury survey will be put up on the Library home page, along with some further information on Library News.

There has already been some publicity for this in Canta, and each Library by now will have some posters advertising it as well. There will also have been news items in the Diary and Staff news this week. It is an online survey only.


Rosalind Patrick Development Award

Alert Library staff will have noticed that the proposed mid-year session for the Rosalind Patrick Development Award was postponed as there were no applications for this award.

May I remind staff to consider putting in an application for this award, to support some form of professional development. It is intended to hold a combined Christmas breakfast and Rosalind Patrick Development Award session near the end of December.

Have a look at the application form, conditions, and see how other Library staff in past years have used this award. There is no set date yet for applications to be in by.


Vice Chancellor’s General Staff Development Award

A reminder to all Library staff that the second round of applications for the Vice Chancellor’s General Staff Development Award will be opening on 28 September and closing on 26 October.

See the HR website for more information.

I would encourage all staff to look closely at the criteria for applying for this award, and to discuss anything that you may be considering with your supervisor or manager.


Health and Safety Training Workshops

There are three Health and Safety training workshops over the next few months. I would encourage any staff interested to discuss attendance with their manager or supervisor.

The workshops are being held on the following dates:

Event Reporting

· Thursday 10th 0900-1200

· Friday 11th 0900-1200 (repeat of Thursday session)

Event Investigation

NB: it is encouraged that staff attend Event Reporting first, unless they have a good knowledge in this area

· Monday 5th October 1300-1600

· Tuesday 6th October 0900-1200 (repeat of Monday session)

Contractor Management

· Monday 2nd November 1300-1600

· Tuesday 3rd November 0900-1200 (repeat of Monday session)

The workshops are centrally funded from the Health & Safety budget, and are run by a specialist lawyer. Full details (including booking process) can be found on the Health and Safety website.


LIANZA Conference, October 2009

There will be at least 31 Library staff attending part or all of the LIANZA Conference, being held here in Christchurch, 12-14 October.

Those attending are:
Central Library
Joan Simpson; Jessica McVicar; Sue Thompson; Michael Tubby; Dave Clemens; Sandra Gover; Wendy Dowsett; Janette Nicolle.

Cynthia Bishell; Tim Stedman; Margaret McKenzie; Vicki Clark.

Education Libraray
Ariana Tikao; Elizabeth Cooke; Kathryn Andrews; Margaret Paterson; Isabel Millward; Jan Scandlyn; Lisa Lee; Kerry Lyford.

Engineering Library
Deborah Fitchett.

Law Library
John Arnold; Caroline Anderson; Margaret Greville.

Library IT
Anne Scott; Peter Kennedy.

Macmillan Brown Library
Erin Kimber; Nekerangi Paul; Danielle O’Halloran

Physical Sciences Library
Angela Davies; Adam Cath.


GSRR for 2009

As all staff should be aware, the annual General Staff Remuneration Review process is about to get underway again.

It was announced by the VC on 6 August.

An email was sent to all Library Managers on 6 August alerting them to the timeline, and a proposed change to the compostion of the Library review panel. There has been subsequent discussion about the Library GSRR SOP, which has now been finally amended by LLT (25/8/09)

Current and accurate information is on the Library Wiki.

This directs all staff to the information in the ToolKit. The Library SOP outlines the processes that are internal and unique to the Library.

GSRR is based upon the performance of an individual over the last year, and is a process that is legally required to be carried out. As has always been the case, there is a specific budget line that provides funds to cover GSRR. All staff are actively encouraged to participate in this process, and to take this opportunity to meet with their manager.


Online survey

For Library staff who undertake the online survey being offered, near the end of the survey is a question about where in the University you work.

The Library has only two categories to choose from:

Public services (includes Administration & Clerical)

Technical services

Anyone who does not work in a Library technical services area (eg., Collections, BIndery, Library IT) works in the Public Services area.
