All posts by aar31

New lift commissioned in James Hight Building

The new lift in the James Hight Building was commissioned for use yesterday.

Joan Simpson is arranging for some publicity to announce this.

FM is arranging new signage to direct users to the new lift.

Security will provide continued access to the Library staff lift (by Cafe360) until 6 April, when access will cease for all but Library staff. I will arrange for some temporary signage to be put by this door advising where the new lift is located.

The new lift is located on Level 1 adjacent to Security and is able to be accessed through new automatic opening doors.


Web 2.0 staff development sessions

A series of eight sessions in April to July is being offered by Library IT.

For a full outline of this course see this Word document.

Course coordinator: Donna Barber
This course will be taught by a number of Library IT and other Library staff.

When: 23 April to 23 July
Days: Thursday, 11am-12, plus one hour a week
Where: Central Library, Level 5 training room.

Enrolment is limited to 15 staff and must have the approval of the relevant manager. Applications will close Tuesday 7 April.

The aim of this course will be to introduce staff to Web 2.0, with a focus on library-relevant applications. It is loosely based on the 23 things course but has been designed to be more directly relevant to the UC Library, particularly in the early part of the course. The course will comprise eight hands-on sessions, with additional learning materials, exercises and discussion via Moodle. By using Moodle as a teaching and learning resource, participants will be able to explore Web 2.0 topics within a Web 2.0 environment.

By the end of the course, participants should have a good understanding of what Web 2.0 is, how it is used, and its relevance to libraries. The hands-on practice will build familiarity with commonly used Web 2.0 applications, and give them the necessary skills to continue to explore.
Formal sessions:

Introduction to Moodle and images for the Web 23 April 09
Wikis 30 April 09

Blogs and RSS 21 May 09
Tagging and Library Thing 28 May 09

Podcasting and YouTube 18 June 09
Social networking 25 June 09

Google 16 July 09
Forum discussion 23 July 09

In addition each person will require an hour a week from 23 April to 23 July to work on exercises. This includes the two weeks between the formal sessions. Progress on the exercises will be monitored.

Staff interested in attending must discuss it with their manager, and then enrol with Maureen Ruki before Tuesday 7 April.


Flu vaccinations

Alert Library staff reading the latest Diary online (13/3) will be aware that the University is now providing free flu vaccinations.

2009 Influenza vaccination
The flu vaccine is now available at the Health Centre and is free to all staff. Please note that departments’ internal charge numbers are NOT required this year.

The vaccination clinics are being held from Monday, 16 March to Friday, 27 March between the hours of 8.30-9.30am and 2-3pm. To arrange for a vaccination, staff need to book an appointment by contacting the Health Centre on ext 6402.

If a staff member has any questions relating to an influenza vaccination, this can be discussed either with the Health Centre staff or their own general practitioner.


Visiting researcher to Collection Services on Level 5

Keith Longden (Financial Reporting & Budget Manager) from Financial Services here at UC, has been granted study leave to carry out research into financial forecasting. The Library is providing him with a desk on Level 5, in the alcove area next to Cynthia’s office. The period of study leave is from 23 March until 10 July.

Keith has been provided with access to this area, along with a key to get in. When you see him, please make him welcome.


Health and Safety audit

Earlier this year an assessment of the policies and processes that the Library has for Health & Safety was carried out by an HR consultant.

The Library was evaluated as having achieved 91% compliance; a very good result, but with a number of recommendations given for where the Library could improve.

I have worked my way through the recommendations, and taken a list of 18 actions to LLT. This was approved on 3 March, and I will now implement these actions over the next few months.

One action is to change the name of OOS (Occupational Overuse Syndrome), to the currently preferred term used by ACC. This is DPI (Discomfort, pain and injury). I have already asked Janice Farrelly to work through and change any documentation to reflect this.

I will provide updates on progress as changes and anything new is implemented.


Staff development opportunities

LIANZA is offering a session on technology strategy planning, using Web 2.0 tools. The Library will provide support for staff interested in attending this course, and who discuss it with their manager. If this is approved, please liaise with Maureen about payment for the session. Note the different pricings for LIANZA membership.


Struggling with the variety of technologies available and how they could best be used to achieve your objectives? Want to know how to incorporate social networking and other Web 2.0 tools into information services? Join this workshop to understand the elements of technology strategy planning and how they can be applied to your real world challenges.

In a workshop setting, learn about how to create a strategic plan for your library, enabling effective use of technologies for your organisational needs. Participants are asked to bring real-world issues and challenges. You will learn how to identify key elements of your current environment and organisational structure with an eye toward addressing needs. Tools for gaining approval to move forward will be explored, as well as optimising Web 2.0 social networking tools into information services.

Richard Hulser is principal, Richard P. Hulser Consulting, providing services for clients regarding content licensing and management, technology strategy planning, and digital library implementation and management. He has almost 30 years of international experience working in information management.
Richard is an SIIA Certified Contents Rights Manager, a Fellow of SLA, and has served on the SLA Board of Directors. He has held a variety of other elected and appointed positions in SLA, including President of the Connecticut Valley Chapter, and Chair of the Science-Technology Division.
As a frequent workshop leader and presenter at a variety of professional association meetings, Hulser has focused on topics such as content management and portal technologies, copyright in the digital world, strategic technology planning, and the future use of technology for content and knowledge management. He has also authored a number of articles and book chapters related to technology use in libraries and information centers.


Christchurch – Friday 20th March
Sydenham Room, South Learning Centre
66 Colombo Street, Beckenham, Christchurch

9.00am – 12.00pm

$110 (member) and $160 (non member) for each workshop

The second workshop being offered will not be supported by the Library.


In a focused workshop filled with information and practical examples, explore the virtual world of Second Life and develop skills to create your own avatar to interact with others in this new environment. Participants will see what others have done to expand and enhance library services and leave the workshop ready to take the next steps for their own presence and participation

Virtual worlds are a no-penalty environment to explore new and different ways to provide information services. Join your colleagues in this workshop to learn the what, why and how of Second Life with a discussion and demonstration of what librarians and institutions are already doing in this virtual 3-D environment. Participants will leave with practical ways to get started in Second Life including steps on creating an avatar and interacting with others expanding their reach in this new arena.


Fumigation to be carried out

The following three areas are to be fumigated on Friday, 6 March.

Special Collections Room
Library Warehouse
Macmillan Brown Storage areas

It will be done at around 5.00 pm on the Friday evening and signs will be placed by the contractor on entries to all the areas being fumigated.

The contractor will check each area on Monday morning (9 March), and only after signs have been removed are Library staff permitted to enter these areas again.


Chairs in Central Library staff room

Alert Library staff will have noticed that a good number of chairs have been stacked up at the end of the Level 5 Staff room. This was in response to a theory that the number of chairs was rising, and cloning was suspected.

There are between 80 to 90 chairs in the staff room, in varying states of repair and comfort. Over the next two weeks, please feel free to remove chairs from those stacked, in order that we may settle on the optimum number of chairs normally required in this room. Also feel free to add any uncomforatable or shabby chairs to the stacked pile.

After a couple of weeks, I will assess the number of chairs to retain, and dispose of the remainder.


Library Admin – update

Please note that now Sharon has left, many tasks are being reassessed prior to a retention request being formulated. In the meantime, ALL PR/marketing-type inquiries should be directed to me (Philip).

It must also be noted that pamphlets, brochures, cards, posters, bookmarks – all printed material that promotes or emanates from the Library – are to be done through UC Design & Print. This provides a very professional image and consistency for the Library. Please look on Camelot for a list of current print publications. All requests need to be sent to me.

A reminder also that Carole does not work on Wednesday; and Maureen does not work on Friday.
