All posts by aar31

Professional Development opportunities

Please look at the UC Professional Development webpage.

There are a number of courses here that the Library will provide support for staff to attend. In any cases of interest, please discuss with your manager first before enrolling. I need to know what courses are being attended, for an overall picture of training and development needs in the Library.

I would especially like staff to note the course Te Reo, Tikanga me Te Tiriti in light of the Library implementing Nga Awa e Rua.

Also note the dates for the first round of the Vice Chancellor’s General Staff Development Awards.

While the Library has used KiwiHost for some customer service training, there are two other courses also offered in this programme, and a number of Library staff have already attended the courses on Growing Personal Resilience, and have found them useful.


Replacing staff – the “vacancy gap”

The Library operational budget for 2009 includes a “vacancy gap” line, and this is the amount that the Library is expected to save through the time taken to replace a position. It is an additional amount to any other salary savings that the Library is directed to achieve in 2009.

The “vacancy gap” is the assumed salary savings accrued because of the time lag in replacing people, and will generally be from a month to two months. This length of time takes into account the Library consultation process as outlined below, the regular fortnightly meeting between the University Librarian and the SMT manager, time for advertising, short-listing and interviewing, plus any additional notice time an appointee is required to give to a current employer.

When a Library staff member resigns, there is a well-established retention process that is carried out. (Available on Camelot SOPs).

Where the position is placed in the Library, and configuration of the working days and hours are decided by consultation between the relevant manager and either the University Librarian or the Associate University Librarian, depending on whom the manager reports to. Further discussion is carried out for public service staff at a meeting of the branch managers. LLT then has final consideration of the resulting retention request. The final approval for the retention of a position rests with the SMT member to whom the University Librarian reports.

For vacant positions that have a component of after-hours work (after 6pm weekdays or in the weekend), there are two options available to maintain required staffing levels:

• Temporary redeployment of existing staff
• Use of the casual team

It is worth noting that in addition to savings made through a “vacancy gap” there is an expectation from LLT that all position replacements will include some salary savings, which are fully outlined in a retention request.


Changes to postal charges

There have been changes to national postal rates for the University effective from 2 February 2009.

The main ones that will affect everyone, and where there should be some choice available, is in the cost of sending envelopes by standard mail:

A4 have increased in price making the A5 a much cheaper options – of course trifold are even cheaper.

Current costs now are:
– Trifold $0.90;
– A5 $1.00;
– A4 $1.50;
– Foolscap $2.00

Whenever possible please make use of the cheapest option, without destroying or damaging the contents of the item being sent.



Staff and disabled access door in Central Library

May I remind staff who use this door that it should not be treated in the same manner as a lift door. Lift doors have sensors that stop the door shutting if blocked by a person, or part of a person. This is not the case with the entry door for staff and users with a disability.

If this door is in the process of closing – wait until it has finished closing, and then use your card to open it again.



Resignation in Library Administration

Congratulations to Sharon, who has been accepted into the limited entry course, Master of Audiology (MAud). In order to pursue this, Sharon has resigned her Library position, with her last working day here being Wednesday, 18 February.

I wish Sharon all the best for her two years of postgraduate study, and admire the enthusiasm and courage she shows in moving into a new career. She will be missed in the Library.


Staffing changes in Library Administration

Effective from 5 January 2009, both Maureen and Carole are to reduce their working hours and days.

Maureen will be working: Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday.
Carole will be working: Monday, Tuesday, Thursday and Friday.

Maureen will not be at work on Friday.
Carole will not be at work on Wednesday.

There has also been a transfer of HR tasks between Carole and Sharon fom 5th January 2009.

Carole will be assuming:
Selection and Recruitment
Personnel Forecasting Model
GSRR Administration
PD&R Administration
Assisting the Extended Hours Supervisors with Casual Staff
Health & Safety
OOS and New Staff Orientation

Sharon will continue with the following tasks:
Induction meeting with new staff – this will cover Camelot and Library Communications
Timesheets in Maureen’s absence
Employment of casual staff to cover project work


Roll out of new-format position descriptions

Following an extensive period of consultation, new-format PDs are being rolled out to Library staff in Bands 1 to 5. Most Band 2 staff had new PDs in August this year, and this final lot is for those who were not included in the first round. There are still a small number of Band 5 positions (about 5) that have not yet had a final PD formulated; it is intended to complete these, along with the Band 6 & 7 PDs, early in 2009.

Managers have been sent print copies of the new PDs, and will forward them to the staff involved. Each PD needs to be signed by the Library staff member, the manager, and then by the University Librarian. When this is completed, a signed copy will be returned to each staff member, and the original filed on their personal file.

Thank you for all the input I received, as well as the forbearance and tolerance shown throughout this lengthy process.


Central Library lift maintenance

Lift #13 (East Tower) is having its hoist rope replaced next week. Consequently, both lifts #13 and #14 (East Tower), will be unavailable for four days, from Monday 8 December through Thursday 12 December.

Lift #14 will become available only after 5pm on each of these days.

Both lifts in the West Tower will operate as per normal during this maintenance work.
