All posts by aar31

GSRR results – 2008

Here is a summary of the recommendations that were successful in the latest GSRR.


Note: The recommendation totals are a count of recommendations received and are not a count of staff, eg an “automatic step and bonus” is counted as two recommendations.

Thanks to all staff who participated in this process. Thank you also to Dave Lane, who was the staff representative, and who assisted LLT in the consideration process.


PD&R update

I am just clarifying the process for PD&R in cases when a supervisor carries out the review rather than the manager.

The manager will have access to view the signed-off document, so that they can carry out their responsibilities for the area they manage, and to ensure that any planning or budgetary requirements as a consquence can be achieved.

I have discussed the above process with HR, and checked on all the University documentation, and HR fully agree that this is what the process should be, and this is to inform all affected staff are aware that this happens.

For all PD&R documents; they are signed off by the reviewer, reviewee and the University Librarian; print copies returned to the reviewer and reviewee, and the print copy is filed in the staff members personnel file, along with a scanned copy retained online.

The information contained on Camelot is up-to-date and comprehensive on the PD&R process, and should be used as the first point of call for any questions. For further questions, do not hesitate to ask me.


Information Online 2009

Four library staff will be attending the 14th Information Online 2009 Conference. This is being held in Sydney, 20-22 January 2009.

Those attending are:
Kathryn Andrews (Education Library)
Vicki Clark (Collections)
Margaret Greville (Law Library)
Christine McKee (Engineering Library)

The programme looks an interesting one, and I am sure there will be plenty of news to report back to the rest of the Library.


Professional development session on Library security

Robin Stevens and Bronwyn Matthews are providing two sessions next week regarding security in the Library. They will be providing very important information and expertise on this topic, and I would urge ALL staff to consider attending a session if possible.

The sessions are on:
Monday – 3 November @ 11.00am
Thursday – 6 November @ 2.00pm

Both sessions are in the Central Library Level 5 Training Room.

While urging all staff to attend, new staff – employed within the last 12 months – should be released to attend if possible.

Please send your registration of interest to Maureen Ruki.


Implementation of ratified Collective Employment Agreements – part 2

Managers and supervisors have now had a briefing from HR on the other processes that will be used to implement changed conditions from the signed negotiations.

The timeline for implementing pay increases for union staff has been notified already. Other conditions that have changed should be communicated by the Union to their members.

The following is the process for non union members employed as General Staff, Academic Staff and Senior Tutors, and Cleaners and Custodians.

As you are aware, the University and the Unions have completed the 2008 collective negotiation process for union members employed under the Collective Agreements, and the University is currently in the process of implementing the new collectives. The University will be undertaking a separate process for staff that are employed as General Staff, Academic and Senior Tutors, the Cleaners and Custodians and who are not members of the AUS, ASTE PSA, and SFWU. The University will make an offer to staff that they need to accept and return to HR before the increase and new terms offered are implemented.

The offer will be made in the form of a variation. If the offer is accepted by the employee, they will be required to sign and return one copy of the variation to their HR Advisor before the increase is processed.

Timeframe for processing the offer to non union staff
Offer of variation sent to staff
Done by HR
By 19/11/2008

Tripartite funding increase is paid
Done by Payroll
20/11/08 but by 4/12/08

Acceptance of the variation is returned to HR
Done by individual Staff
To be advised

Salary increase is paid for staff that accept the offer
Done by Payroll
With effect from 1/2/09


Implementation of ratified Collective Employment Agreements

Collective negotiation process for 2008

As you may be aware, the University and the Unions have completed the 2008 collective negotiation process for union members employed under the Collective Agreements.

Outlined below is the process that will be applied to those staff that are members of the AUS .
· 0.51% increase effective 1 July 2008
· 3.25% increase effective 1 January 2009

Staff employed on the General Staff Collective Agreement will be sent a letter by 10 November confirming these increases. The 1 July increase will be paid on 20 November. The second increase effective 1 January 2009 will be processed in the first pay run in 2009.

The process for staff that are not union members is different to that for union members. When this has been finalised it will be communicated to the relevant staff.


New format position descriptions – update

Following on from the first posting about this on 4 September, here is progress to date.

I have been working very closely with HR to update all PDs into a new format, which is being rolled out across the University. This exercise has also afforded the opportunity for the content of PDs to be reviewed, ensuring they are accurate and up to date and written in a consistent style across the Library. This project is not linked to job re-evaluation.

HR are assisting with the translation of all PDs into the new standardised format, and to date there are thirty-one different PDs for about 132 positions in the Library. This is a considerable reduction in the number of unique PDs that are currently in place. It reflects the reality that many positions carry out the same work, even though in different locations, but also that there still is scope to accommodate a description of genuinely unique work for an individual. It should be noted that only the FTE will be reflected in the PD, since each employee’s pattern of work hours is documented in their letter of offer.

New standardised PDs have already been rolled out for Band 2 Library Assistant roles in both Public and Collection Services. In all cases the opportunity for one-on-one discussion with the relevant manager/supervisor was offered. For this band there has been a return rate of 85% on new PDs that were offered for signing.

There has been considerable discussion and consultation with managers and supervisors regarding the translation of PDs to the new format. There has also been very useful feedback from the five focus group meetings that HR held with staff in bands 3 to 5. Any further feedback should be sent to me as soon as possible, rather than to HR. I am also sending a copy of the latest version of the Band 5 Public Services staff to those staff in this band, as a number of suggested changes have been incorporated. Again, any further comments should be back to me, prior to 4pm on Wednesday, 22 October.

When consultation is completed, all new format PDs will be taken to LLT for a final review. Following this, new format PDs for all Library staff will be rolled out in a similar manner to those for Band 2 staff; one-on-one discussion with the relevant manager/supervisor will be offered. Managers and supervisors have also been asked to allow time in team or departmental meetings for discussion on this process.

It is intended that all Library staff will have new format PDs some time late in October 2008, so that PD&R discussions taking place from October onwards will be based upon them.