Thanks for all the great ideas for naming the level 3 training room in Central Library – hence forth Poutama. Now that you are all warmed up – we need another name, this time for the new consultation space on level 2 of Central Library. There will be two bookable consultation spots in the space. Post your suggestions to the comments by the end of the week.
All posts by Alison McIntyre
And the winner is …
The new Central Library level 3 training room will be named Poutama.
The name was arrived at following a rigorous and nearly scientific process. Thank you for all of your great suggestions. The short list included – Poutama, The Lab, Kāhu, The Train Station, The Mezzo.
Training Room Bookings in February and March
Please do not book Library Training Rooms for departments external to the Library during the period 13th February – 3rd of March 2017. Now is the time of year when everyone’s scheduling start of year training. The Library Training Rooms are needed for our own training during the busy orientation period. All Library staff can book Library Training Rooms for work purposes and are advised to book early if possible. If you are asked to book a Library Training Room by Student Services staff or other staff external to the library please refer them to the Central Library Information Desk or the General Enquiries contacts 03 364 2987, Internal phone 6038 or email . Bookings will be monitored and if the rooms are available outside of the busy orientation period external bookings will be made by the Customer Services Team on their behalf.
John Arnold @ Central Library
Folk in Central Library may have noticed John about a bit more often than usual this week. John was very fond of his home at EPS but has gallantly agreed to base himself at Central Library so that there are seats for all in our growing science and engineering subject librarians’ group. Please make John welcome as he settles into his new spot on level 5, Puaka-James Hight.
Information Literacy Coordinator Vacancy
The Information Literacy Coordinator vacancy (Nick’s old role) is now advertised on the UC Web site Job ID 4265,
A few changes have been made but the role remains essentially the same. The new Information Literacy Coordinator will report to me and will be based in the Central Library, with the Business and Law Subject cluster providing a home base similar to that which the Education subject group provided for Nick. The new person in the role will still be responsible for UC Pathways and Library 101 and the oversight of administration and coordination of Information Literacy processes.
The job will also be advertised via Te Roopu Whakahau, LIANZA and Seek. Applications close on Sunday 22nd January 2017.
New Level 3 Training Library – needs a name
A fab new training room is being constructed on level 3 of Central Library and it needs a name. “Level 3 Training Room” just won’t cut it. This is a call out to all of you creative folk – please send your ideas to me before you leave on your Christmas break and by the end of the year.This might be your legacy to the Library –
Max Podstolski gave us Counterculture
Alex Hanlon gave us the tree named meeting rooms
We’ve got The Den – can anyone remember where that came from?
Let your imagination run wild. There will be a vetting process in the first week of January and final sign off will be with Anne as UL.
Thank you in anticipation
Alison McIntyre
Transgender literature (and life)
Library staff are warmly invited to an event at the Shilling Club this evening. If you enjoyed the Inviting In series that Erin curated you might be interested in this event.
an introduction and a conversation with Stephen (Stephanie) burt & Karen Saunders
5:30 – 7PM, Wednesday 14 December at, The Shilling Club, University of Canterbury Ilam Campus
What is transgender experience, what does it have to do with queer life and queer literature more broadly, and where can we read about it? Stephen (Stephanie) Burt, Profession of English at Harvard and Canterbury Fellow for summer term 2016-17, will introduce and discuss these questions with the help of UC Lecturer Karen Saunders; Steph will also read some of her, or their, own work.
Please RSVP to
Thank you for the idea
To whomsoever posted the volunteering / team activity idea on the UC Library Ideas Generator – Thank you.
The Library Managers’ group felt collectively inspired by this idea and have agreed to volunteer in April next year for the Ronald McDonald House family dinner programme. As well as contributing to our local community we expect it to be a satisfying team building activity. All of the managers have enthusiastically embraced the idea.
Should you feel similarly inspired Ronald McDonald House needs lots of volunteers. They recommend groups of up to 8 people for the Family Dinner Programme.
Nick Scullin Antarctic Studies Subject Librarian
Nick Scullin is picking up the coordination of Antarctic Studies subject support .
Antarctic Studies is an interesting interdisciplinary programme which lends itself to a different kind of subject support. Nick will manage the subject guide and will be the point of contact for Antarctic Studies. He will provide library support that is not subject specific and will coordinate referral to subject specialists according to the research interests of each student.
The PCAS summer programme will get underway in November. The Antarctic is the object or phenomenon of interest for all of the students however they come from a wide range of disciplines and apply their own disciplinary lens to their investigations. For example in this year’s intake there are students interested in creative arts, geology, astronomy, biology, climate science, education , economics and international relations.
Who’s looking after Max’s Subjects?
As of today – (the first day after the last day of the academic year) Max’s subjects will be covered as follows –
- Elizabeth Cooke – Art History and Theory, Fine Arts and Cinema Studies
- Dave Clemens – Media & Communication and Journalism
- Kim Allan – French, German, Russian and Spanish
- John Arnold – Philosophy
Thanks to Library eServices who have updated the contacts and Subject Guides and to Elizabeth, Dave, Kim and John for taking on these subject roles.