The Library Marketing Group is keen to support library exhibitions, displays and events by assisting with promotion.
We have developed this checklist to outline the variety of marketing options available, specify the resources the marketing group requires to produce marketing materials, and note time-frames.
This checklist is meant to assist with planning promotional materials. Once you have decided what you would like, please contact with the attached form.
(We will be updating our marketing wiki page shortly with a permanent link to this, as well as adding a link to our email autoreply).
Thank you everyone for your feedback on the library values.
Caroline presented the final version of the values to the managers today, tweaked to incorporate the feedback we received, and these have been accepted. More information will be forthcoming about the implementation of these values.
In the meantime, one useful suggestion we received was to create a list of situations to be discussed through the lens of the library values. The idea is that these could then be used in team meetings in a similar manner to the Health & Safety discussion topics.
We will brainstorm some situations, but welcome your own suggestions. There is a document on the K drive where you can add your suggestions, or feel free to email Lisa Davies, Caroline Syddall or myself.
The Edu workroom’s a bit squeaky today, and a high level investigation uncovered a fantail nest in the tree right outside the window.
The pīwakawaka has cunningly built its nest in a position where it’s too high from Level 1 to see the pēpi it keeps flitting down to feed, and a leaf obscures the nest from Level 2. But its constant visits to the littlest nest ever have us convinced there’s a bubba.
Needless to say, attempts to photograph the manu have been equally unsuccessful, achieving only blurry images similar to those of the famous Canterbury Panther – due to the fantail’s peripatetic (rather than imaginary) existence.
But if you’re around this way, come and have a look at the newest additions to the Edu team:)
I’ve been having quite a few issues with Skype for Business cutting out on me mid phone call. A few people I’ve mentioned this issue to have reported experiencing the same thing.
ITS were quite surprised by this and are keen for more staff to log Assyst jobs if they’re having similar issues. They’d like us to include a few instances of calls cutting out in each Assyst job, with the following info to help them track the problem: the date and time of the call, as well as who initiated the call.
The marketing group is re-organising the Marketing folder on the K drive into a more manageable and discoverable structure. This involves a drastic reduction in the number of folders with files names being updated to K drive protocol so documents are discoverable by file name, rather than drilling down through numerous folders (e.g. putting library name at front of file rather than creating individual folders).
We’ve endeavoured to email people who routinely use these folders as we’ve started to move things around but I’m aware we’ve missed contacting a few people. My apologies if we’ve neglected to notify you.
Bronwyn and I are doing the bulk of this work so please feel free to contact us with any questions/suggestions.
It’s a difficult choice for authors when it comes to choosing their cover photo. Pose with a pencil or a cat? Gaze broodingly into the camera or off into the distance? Clutch a chicken (see Kinky Friedman) or a gun (Hunter S Thompson)?
For this month’s Pānui, we want photos of authors, the weirder the better. And the person who submits the best author photo wins a prize.
The only rule is the photo has to be from a book cover in the UC collections. We’ll create a wondrous montage and select the weirdest and spookiest as our cover boy/girl.
Please direct all entries to Simon Cooke, Kiera Tauro, or Fiona Tyson. The judges’ decision is final and no correspondence will be entered into.
It’s back – the cross-library celebration of delicious fudge. Russian, chocolate, ginger, vanilla, peanut butter…. The possibilities are endless.
Mark your calendars now! Thursday 29 September
The details:
Make your best fudge ever and split it into five portions, wrapped and labelled as follows:
Your library
The three other libraries
The fantastic Warehouse team who transport our hampers. (This will both ensure that the fudge gets to its intended location:) and be a timely acknowledgement of the Warehouse team who make our interlibrary request service possible).
Pop your fudge in the hampers on Thursday morning – you may wish to add a note with your name and the type of fudge you have made. Allowing for the hampers to arrive at each location, we should all have a calorific afternoon tea. If all goes well, we could be eating fudge for days.
(PS Send me photos of your afternoon tea, and I’ll pop them on Counterculture).
The Library Marketing group is finding folders popping up like mushrooms in the K drive (K:\LIBR-Library\Operations\Marketing).
We’re about to review all the folders, archiving/discarding material no longer required and reduce the folders as much as possible. In the meantime, we’d like to ask all staff to please save any documents in existing folders (ie. please don’t create any more folders).
Feel free to contact me if you have any questions or this creates any problems.