All posts by aft23

Marketing Update

Things we’ve been promoting:

Social media facts & figures

  • The UC Twitter account has cracked 800 followers!
  • UC Puna cartoonist Hugh Joughin has been sharing some of his work on the UC Puna Instagram account
  • In response to a lovely comment about our Facebook content, we had ‘Meet the Facebookers’ series of posts, where everyone who posts shared a selfie and a shelfie.

Looking for some help promoting an event or new collection item? Put in a marketing request via the link in the top left hand corner of Counterculture!

Report back from the VALA2020 conference

In mid-February I attended the VALA2020: Libraries, Technology and the Future conference in Melbourne, as well as the Building Blocks for Digital Dexterity in the Workplace.

It was a full-on four days and in this session I’ll report back on some of the main themes of the conference (and the Digital Dexterity Day) – at least from the sessions I attended. These themes were:

  • embedding info/digital literacy into the curriculum
  • microcredentials
  • copyright literacy

There may also be some discussion of the delicious kai, pictures of libraries and tales of outrageous vendor largesse.

Monday 9 March, 2-3pm in Poutama. Book here to add it to your calendar:

Collection to support Samoa

Kia ora,

St Pauls Trinity Pacific Presbyterian Church is organising a collection of supplies (or cash to buy the supplies) for whanau in Samoa affected by the measles epidemic.

If you would like to contribute, I will be dropping supplies off on Thursday evening (the collection finishes on Friday so it can be shipped off in the weekend). You can leave any donations by my desk by 4:30pm on Thursday.

Open access strategy: Useful resources

As promised in the last Open Access strategy update, we have more collateral to help promote the UC Library’s role in supporting UC research.

  1. Postcards

(link only works in Excellent Edge and and Innovative Internet Explorer, you can also find it here: ‪K:\LIBR-Library\Projects\Open-access\Communications\PostCardImages\OA-Postcards-2019-CC.pdf)

This set of 3 postcards contains our 3 key messages for academics:

  1.  Double your citations – make your work open access
  2.  Publish anywhere, deposit here [here being the UC Research Repository]
  3.  We want your author accepted manuscript

The postcards then contain information about how to get there work into the UC Research Repository – which is by uploading the manuscript accepted by the publisher into Elements.

Subject librarians can offer these to academics in 1-to-1 chats as a short and sweet record of what to do to make their work open access.

We will also be distributing postcards at GradFest next week.

Let me know if you’d like a stash of postcards for distribution, or if you run out and need more.

2. Subject Guide widget

There is a widget that subject librarians can include on their subject guide to indicate they can assist with open access queries. You can find instructions here regarding how to include the widget on your subject guide(s):  K:\LIBR-Library\Projects\Open-access\Communications\SubjectGuideButtons

Next update: OA subject guides and information to back up those OA facts and figures.

Facebook Exampack Contest

We’re running our biannual exam pack competition on Facebook, where students have to comment on a post to go in the draw to win an exam pack full of yummy kai.

Winners elect which library to pick their pack up from. If you get a query at Central, the named pack should be in the cupboard behind the info desk.  At EPS, they’ll be in the staff area (near Nick’s desk). At MB, they’ll be out the back in the shared desk space area.

Open access strategy: Useful resources

One of the specific goals of UC Library’s open access strategy is for 80% of all UC research outputs to be deposited in the UC Research Repository by 2023. Subject librarians are working on an outreach project to encourage UC researchers to upload their journal articles.

The Open Access Project Group is developing resources to support this outreach, some of which will also be of interest/use to many across the library.

An infographic detailing open access at UC

An image to add to your email signature

Please feel free to add this image to your email signature to help spread the word!  The image hyperlinks to a subject guide page on Open Access at UC.

You can find the hyperlinked image for the email signature image in this folder: K:\LIBR-Library\Projects\Open-access\PromotionalResources  as well as a PDF of the infographic.

We will let you know as more promotional resources become available (next up: a set of 3 postcards with the 3 key messages and a widget for subject guides)


Open Knowledge and Mātauranga Māori

Massey University has organised an interesting speaker during OA week.  Lynell Tuffery Huria is a Māori trade mark lawyer and expert  on indigenous law and protection of cultural icons.   She will discuss why open knowledge concepts are not consistent with mātauranga Māori or kaitiaki rights and responsibilities in relation to mātauranga Māori and why it is important that Aotearoa continues working towards a framework that recognises these and is consistent with te ao Māori principles.

Read more about it here:

We have booked Link 309 Lecture Theatre to watch the livestream together and invite you to join us (feel free to bring your lunch).

Thursday 24 October: 12-1pm

Please pass this invitation on to anyone you think would be interested.

Lisa & Fiona