The Library Management Team has been working on a visual management board which is located on Level 5 in the space between the staff room and the offices. The aim of the board is to get a better understanding of the workload and priorities across the Library, to monitor progress and celebrate what we have done.
We are meeting Wednesday mornings at 9.00am for 15 min to review the board. You are most welcome to observe if you wish and please feel free to walk through the area any time we are there. Ask a manager if you would like to know more about the board or items on it.
We are already seeing benefits in regular brief meetings that are providing better oversight of what we are going, and increasing conversations across teams.
It is a work in progress as we continue to refine how the board is working for us. This morning we talked about how best to prioritise tasks and decide what to drop, particularly when big unexpected tasks come from left field. We are not good at “just saying no” to some things and we tend to load ourselves up to capacity. We are also working on refining ways to chunk tasks into appropriate sizes.
There are other groups inside and outside the Library working on visual management boards. Each board works a different way depending on needs and purpose of the group . LAC staff have just done some visual management training. If you are interested ask your manager.
It was nice to see Lyndsay today. She is joining us electronically for these sessions.
Ngā mihi nui, Anne