The Reset Pin programme has been reconfigured to fix the current problem of people who have their pin reset to the barcode not being able to subsequently change their pin via My Library Account (basically, the barcode was too long as a pin has a maximum length of 7 digits/letters).
The pin will now be reset to the last 4 digits of a borrowers phone number and their initials (ie. the same configuration as currently used for ULANZ/CTA borrowers). In addition, new subscription and special agreement members will now automatically have their library account pin set to the same configuration.
This means now there are only two possible formats for My Library Account Logins:
UC Staff, Students, Academic Visitors
Login: IT Username (eg. mmb23)
Pin: IT Password
ULANZ/CTA/Subscription/Special Agreement Borrowers
Login: Barcode (e.g. CUB5555D)
Pin: ####XX (where ####= last four digits of borrowers phone number and XX= borrower’s initials)
(e.g. Borrower Michael Burrows (CUB5555D) with the phone number 338 0960 uses the following login (CUB555D) and
pin: 0960MB)
The latter group can change their pin – which is usually when the need to reset a borrower’s pin arises.
Details about changing a borrower’s My Library Account pin can be found on the wiki.