All posts by apa114

RFID SelfLoan Stations: Hold Message Fixed

The Self Loan Stations have been adjusted so that the message to patrons with holds is correct.

The message popping up to borrowers up until this point had instructed them to take the item to the lending desk, causing no end of confusion and blaring gates.
The new message tells the borrower that they have an item on hold and they need to touch the screen to borrow items.

Before this change will take place, each self loan station needs to have its self loan software restarted (ie you don’t need to restart the whole machine). This is done by logging on using the Admin User Card.

(The machines at Central have all been restarted and are working correctly.)

Fiona T

Incorrectly Encoded Tags

As mentioned previously, a faulty trolley used to tag in the Central Library over the summer produced a number of incorrectly encoded tags.

These tags are easily identified: the title and barcode printed on the tag will be correct but the title and barcode encoded in the tag will be incorrect.

These tags are easily fixed, simply by re-encoding the tag with the correct data.

The faulty trolley tagged a large number of items at Central before the problem was detected. We have a list of all the items that trolley tagged and are systematically going through the collection at Central to check and fix, where necessary, all the tags produced by that trolley.

However, books with incorrect tags are circulating and creating confusion. Some alert borrowers have emailed us to let us know when the book title on their account has differed to that in their hand but there have been a number of Disputed Issues as a result of these tags. If staff could please re-encode such tags when they come across them, that would be much appreciated.

Instructions on re-encoding tags can be found here.

Fiona T

Updated Process for Creating New RFID Tags and Fixing Incorrect Tags

The Circ Assist and Sort Assist Software has been updated so that you can now fully encode tags at the lending desk and on the Sort Assist at Central, Education and Law. Tag Utility no longer needs to be used.

The process is very similar to that for using the Tag Utility Function. However, now you will no longer need to close the Circ Assist Software to create tags.

Instructions can be found on the wiki here:

Note the importance of changing/checking the settings for each item you tag.

The same process can be followed for fixing any incorrectly encoded tags and any functioning tag can be re-encoded.

We intend to arrange training sessions shortly .

Please contact myself or E-Services if you experience any problems with tagging or unexpected errors.

Fiona T

Updated Workflow for Checkin at Central

The SmartBin and Sort Assist at Central have been updated and are now checking in all items in the manner expected.

The workflow for check in is as follows:

1. All items returned through the Smart Bin will be automatically checked in.
2. All items must then be placed on the Sort Assist.
3. Each item will be backlit by a coloured bar:

Green = Central item
Blue = Hold (A slip will be produced)
Pink = In transit to MB
Blue = In transit to Law
Orange = In transit to Edu
Grey = In transit to EPS
Purple = In transit to Storage (additional info of Storage codes on screen)
Yellow = In transit to High Demand.

A message will also display in the righthand column of the Sort Assist screen, stating where the item is in transit to or who it is going on hold for (‘Home’ items have a tick).

4. Place each item on the appropriate shelving trolley, transit hamper or the hold shelf.

The only items that now need to also be checked in through Horizon are High Demand Items. These must be checked in before being returned to the High Demand area.

There is no need to check in any other regular issue items unless you are cancelling a hold as we will no longer be producing In Transit Slips.

We have tested all the check in scenarios we could think of but if you identify any issues while using the Sort Assist please email Library E-Services as soon as possible.
This information will be added to the Lending pages on the wiki and a colour guide will be posted by the Sort Assist.

Tagging at Lending Desk

We had anticipated being able to tag books at the lending desk once we updated the Circulation Assistant software with the latest version. While we are able to encode tags at the lending desk, we have found that we are not able to encode all the necessary information. This is because clicking on “Settings” to change the set size or media type causes the software to freeze. This issue has been raised with FE.

In the meantime, it is preferable for staff to encode tags using another FE software application called “Tag Utility.” This can be found on the desktop of all lending pcs with Circulation Assistant software added.

Circulation Assistant Software must be shut down before Tag Utility is opened because the RFID pad can only communicate with one software application at a time.

Once you have opened Tag Utility software, click on “Encode Tags.” From here it will look very familiar to the encoding function on the Circ Assist. However, please ensure you click on “Settings and follow the following steps before encoding tags.

1. Click on the tick next to “Use DVD Set Types” – this will turn DVD Set Types off.
2. Change Set Type to “No Sets” if a regular item, “First Item is Tagged” if a Group CKO.
3. Change Set Size to appropriate number if a group CKO item.
4. Change MARC Media code as appropriate (Book, Serial, DVD, CD etc).
5. Click OK to return to normal encoding screen and encode tag as usual.

You will not need to change any of the other functions.

I will endeavour to move around the libraries this week and am happy to demonstrate this tagging process to staff. Otherwise, you can email me any questions.

Fiona T

Edit to add – these instructions have been added to the wiki under “How To – Lending”

EPS Items – Temporary at Central Collection

Now that we are back at Central, returned EPS items will once again be shelved on Central shelves.

All EPS items returned to Central must be added to the Temporary at Central Collection before they are shelved. The program for doing this can be found under the Earthquake Resources link on the Horizon Reports page.

EPS items will then be shelved in sequence on level 3.

Coral’s team will start to send back the EPS items to Central. In the immediate future we are not bringing the Central Items back from Education.

Cancelling Holds

Hi all,

We’ve noticed a few holds slipping back onto the general shelves without being cancelled properly, contributing to the evergrowing expired holds list. I assume this is from people placing holds to be cancelled in the SmartBin.

Please note that putting holds into the SmartBin will not clear the hold on an item.

All cancelled holds need to be processed as they always have, checking the item in via Horizon and clicking ‘Yes’ when asked whether the hold should be cancelled.

Fiona T

RFID – Wiki Updated

I have added three pages to the “How To” section of the wiki:

Self-Check Machine Instructions (RFID)
Issuing/Returning Items Using Circulation Assistant (RFID)
Returns Process Using SmartBin and Sort Assistant (RFID)

These are very much ‘in progress’ documents as we continue to refine processes and resolve technical issues but are useful to be able to refer to as we will update them regularly.

I have also created a page for Archived Processes so we have a record of processes used prior to the introduction of RFID.