Leon has completed his Hand Book Binding Apprenticeship and his qualification as a tradesperson is effective from tomorrow (Friday 24th October 2008).
All posts by ark49
Darren Rigden Acting Foreman Binder
John Froud, Foreman Binder ,is on Long Service leave from 13 October until 10 November (inclusive). During that time Darren Rigden will lead the Bindery Team.
Looking for entrepreneurial person(s)
The Library has been given permission to sell the material being discarded from the Warehouse and it is proposed to hold some booksales, selling items for $2 a pop. I am looking for someone (possibly a small group of people) to make this happen, ideally over the next few weeks. It would involve giving the material a final scrutiny to make sure we are not selling a treasure, publicising the sales, deciding on the sale location and negotiating with the relevant Library manager, transferring the material to the sale location, setting up the sales tables, etc., arranging for receiving the money, banking, etc. and disposing of unsold items.
Please let me know if you are interested. Cynthia B.
Separate records for electronic books
The Library currently has about 5,000 electric books attached to print records where the url has simply been inserted into the record for the paper copy. Many of these are government documents. It is our intention to bring down separate records for the electronic versions. In future separate records will be created as a matter of course, as is the practice of Te Puna and OCLC.
The participation of the UC Library in the OSMOSIS project necessitates, to some extent, these changes being made now.
There are numerous benefits to our users: Firstly there will always be a separate record for the electronic version. This will remove all of the confusion of a mixed model. If the use of format icons is implemented, the electronic version will be very evident. If faceted searching is introduced, having the separate record will allow searching for e-only. It will also have some benefits for us. Weeding the paper copy will not impact on the electronic copy.