All posts by ata29

New database

BBC Academy College of Journalism is a new subscription for 2014. Our access has already been activated so it is available now at

The BBC College of Journalism website includes hundreds of videos, audio clips, discussion pages, interactive modules, and text pages covering every aspect of TV, radio, and online journalism. Much of the material features BBC TV reporters and hosts known around the world. The subjects covered range from craft skills (e.g. writing or directing video) to subject briefings on critical events and topics such as climate change and the conflict in the Middle East, to the many ethical issues now facing journalists. The site is continuously updated, its coverage driven by the practical needs of BBC journalists around the world, as well as current events in the news.

Peter H.

New JSTOR collection

A new JSTOR collection: Business IV is now available. A description of the collection and title list is available at:
The collection currently has 21 titles in economics, management, and industrial relations. The collection will also contain titles titles in microeconomics (especially behavioural, labour, health, urban, and development economics) and management (including supply chain management and decision science). It will eventually have a minimum of 50 titles when completed.
Titles can be accessed now through the journal A-Z and should be available in Multisearch in a few days time. We will receive catalogue records in mid November.

Peter H.

Datasets Group meetings

The minutes of the Datasets Group meetings of 8 July and 12 August are available at K:\meetings_and_minutes\datasets_group\Minutes\2013\130708.docx and K:\meetings_and_minutes\datasets_group\Minutes\2013\130812.docx

Some noteworthy decisions at the meetings include:

• Factiva – user licences increased from 3 to 4
• Legaltrac has been ordered and is now available
• Times newspaper – decision to cancel
• NZ Council of Educational Research subscriptions – will move to online
• L’année philologique. – moving to online
• Feedback and decisions on recent trials

Reports of recent vendor offers and vendor visits are also included.

Peter H.

New JSTOR collection

A new JSTOR collection: Arts & Sciences XII is now available.
The collection currently has 36 titles: primarily in law, political science and education plus some other titles in criminology and criminal justice, history, social work, psychology, and sociology. It will eventually have a minimum of 125 titles when completed. A description of the collection and title list is available at:
Titles can be accessed through the journal A-Z and should be available in Multisearch early next week. We will receive catalogue records in mid June.

Peter H.

Changes to EPIC package for 2013/2014

Our 2012/2013 EPIC package subscription expires at the end of March. From April onwards we will have a new EPIC package which will no longer include the Gale databases, ProQuest Science journals and Encyclopaedia Britannica.

The Discovery Team will begin removing the records for the databases on Thursday afternoon. Multisearch will be updated 1-2 days later.
The individual ejournal and eBook records will be removed from the Catalogue in early April when we receive our next Serials Solutions update file.

We will retain access to a small number of eBooks in the Gale Virtual Reference Library because we have purchased the titles.

The GVRL titles that we own are:
Dictionary of Scientific Biography
Blackwell Encyclopedia of Management
(12 volumes)
Encyclopedia of Volcanoes
Treaties & Alliances of the World

Peter H.

New databases and journal subscriptions 2013

We now have access to:
Passport GMID
and the new EBSCO databases:
Academic Search Complete
Business Source Complete
Computers and Applied Sciences Complete
Humanities International Complete
Psychology and Behavioral Sciences Collection
Religion and Philosophy Collection
SocINDEX with Full Text

We also have access to additional ejournal titles in the Royal Society of Chemistry journal package (upgraded to RSC Gold) and the Wiley-Blackwell journal package

Most of the new journal subscriptions approved at the Datasets meeting of 10 October K:\meetings_and_minutes\datasets_group\Minutes\2012\121010.docx and the six additional new subscriptions for journals that were unique to ProQuest are now available. Four journals have not yet published the first issue for 2013 so we won’t have access until this occurs.

We have also purchased the following ebook collections:

Sage Research Methods
Oxford Scholarship Online. History 2012-2013
Oxford Scholarship Online. Literature 2011-2013
Oxford Scholarship Online. Music 2012-2013
Oxford Scholarship Online. Palliative Care 2011-2013
Oxford Scholarship Online. Political Science 2011-2012
Oxford Scholarship Online. Public Health and Epidemiology 2009-2013

The Discovery Team is working on providing access to the Oxford collections. We are expecting to receive confirmation that access to Sage Research Methods has been activated in the next few days.

The following ProQuest 5000 databases have been removed:

ABI/Inform complete
Academic research library
Accounting & tax database
Accounting & tax newspapers
Accounting & tax periodicals
Banking information source
Pharmaceutical news index
ProQuest Asian business & reference
ProQuest career & technical information
ProQuest computing
ProQuest education journals
Proquest European business
Proquest religion
Proquest social science journals
Proquest telecommunications
US national newspapers abstracts

We will continue to have access to Health & Medical Complete and we have access to ProQuest science journals until the end of March.

Peter H.

Update on Proquest 5000 and new Ebsco databases

• Ebsco have activated our access to the new databases and the database pages have been updated to reflect this. We will receive catalogue records for the individual titles in the databases in our next Serials Solutions update file on the 4 January. This file will be loaded in Horizon on the 4th or 7th.

• We will continue to have access to the ProQuest 5000 databases until 31 December. The database pages will be updated on 3rd January and the individual records will be removed from the Catalogue on the 4th or 7th. We will continue to have access to Health & Medical Complete.

Peter H