All posts by ata29

Harvard Business Review & Economist

We have been advised by the publishers of Harvard Business Review and the Economist that the passwords are only for personal and individual use. To comply with this we have removed the password information from the Journal logins page and amended the catalogue records. Unfortunately at present neither publisher offers an online subscription option which is suitable for institutions.

Peter H

Librarianship journal cancellations

We intend cancelling the following subscriptions which are charged to the Library tools fund:

Australian Academic and Research Libraries (print only subscription)
Australian Law Librarian (print only subscription)
Australian Library Journal (print only subscription)
Inky fingers (print only subscription)
Library Quarterly (e-only subscription)

We have access to a wide range of librarianship journals through packages such as the Science Direct Freedom Collection and the Taylor & Francis 123 Collection, and through our aggregator databases. There are also freely available titles.

If you think we should retain any of the above titles please email before 31 August.

Peter H.


JSTOR is well known for providing journal backfiles in digital form.

This year JSTOR has launched the Current Scholarship Program (CSP) and now provides access to the latest issues of journals from a group of university presses, scholarly associations, and other publishers. We have individual subscriptions to 50 journals in this progam. Most of our titles are University of California and University of Chicago Press publications.

An example of one of our subscriptions is:

Condor (Los Angeles, Calif.) (0010-5422)
from 01/01/1900 to 30/11/2007 in JSTOR Biological Sciences Archive Collection
from 01/02/2001 to present in JSTOR Complete Current Scholarship Collection

For this title we have access to the backfiles because we have a subscription to the Biological Sciences Archive Collection, and we have current access because we have an individual subscription.

Peter H.

New e-book collections

Since late last year we have purchased a number of e-book collections which contain nearly 7,000 individual titles.

The collections are:

Cambridge histories online (339 titles)

Cambridge University Press 52 selected titles

PsycBOOKS (1920 titles) available though Ebscohost

Science Direct engineering, pre-2007 (853 titles)

Springer behavioral science, 2011 (39 titles)
Springer biomedical and life sciences, 2010 (355 titles)
Springer biomedical and life sciences, 2011 (250 titles)
Springer business and economics, 2010 (243 titles)
Springer business and economics, 2011 (130 titles)
Springer computer science, 2010 (880 titles)
Springer earth and environmental science, 2011 (109 titles)
Springer engineering, 2009 (572 titles)
Springer engineering, 2010 (544 titles)
Springer physics and astronomy, 2009 (261 titles)
Springer physics and astronomy, 2010 (240 titles)

Taylor and Francis 90 selected titles – on order, should be available early August

Records have been added to the Catalogue for all the collections except Taylor & Francis, and the titles can also be found in Multisearch.

Peter H.