We now subscribe to SSRN’s Financial Economics Network (FEN) and Economics Research Network (ERN).
Users receive new content directly by email, so access is restricted to nominated users. Our subscription allows 10 users for each network.
More Information about FEN and ERN can be found here
We now have a subscription to the National Fire Codes which are published by the National Fire Protection Association. This provides online access to all NFPA fire codes and standards. Some of the pdfs are very large so it is advisable to choose the download option rather than ‘view online’.
In 2011 our subscription will change from a per user agreement to full network access, which means we will have unlimited access to the following titles:
Journal of geophysical research (all sections)
Geophysical research letters
Radio science
Reviews of geophysics
Water resources research
In addition we will have free access to the following:
Global Biogeochemical Cycles
Geochemistry Geophysics Geosystems
Space Weather
Earth Interactions (co-published with AMS and AAG)
For most of our Taylor & Francis ejournals we have access from 1997 onwards. We have noticed that the green icon and message which says “you have access” is appearing alongside earlier years which we don’t subscribe to.
We contacted Taylor & Francis about this and they have replied:
“Informaworld is currently experiencing technical difficulties with the green access icon. Not only is it showing access to content that you/your institution is entitled to, but is also showing the green icon for content to which you are not subscribed.
This error is unfortunately a site bug that is currently being investigated by our technical team. Please note this does not in any way affect online access to your subscriptions.”
The holdings file that we sent to National Library in July has now been loaded in Te Puna. This is the second Osmosis update for 2009. Our first update file was processed in February. We have opted for quarterly updates.