All posts by blogsarchive

Webinar — A Field Guide to Books at JSTOR: Key Benefits for Academic libraries

The session is booked for Friday 21st February at 3pm in the Totara Meeting Room, Level 5 James Hight. This 45-minute webinar will introduce JSTOR Book platform features, purchasing models, and unique benefits of Books at JSTOR, one of the key benefits for JSTOR books is their unlimited, DRM-Free Access. This session may be of interest to liaison librarians, staff working in the Acquisitions and E-Services in Library Support Services.

Wendy Wu

Treatise on Geomorphology

The Library has recently purchased perpetual access to this expensive reference work through ScienceDirect. The fourteen volumes of this Treatise on Geomorphology provides context for ongoing research; discussion of research strategies, equipment, and field methods, laboratory experiments, and numerical simulations reflect the multiple approaches to understanding Earth’s surfaces; and summaries of outstanding research questions highlight future challenges and suggest productive new avenues for research. It is useful for academics, researchers and students in geography, geology, ecology and civil engineering et al.


Wendy Wu

IEEE-Wiley Ebooks Library

The Library has recently purchased perpetual access to 668 IEEE-Wiley eBook titles published between 1974-2013. This eBooks collection covers bioengineering, power and energy, and communication technologies, among other growing areas of research.

Title list is available here:
K:\LIBR-Library\support_services\acquisitions\e-books\list_ of_ IEEE-Wiley_ ebooks.xlsx

Link to the website:

Wendy Wu

MyLists and the catalogue

We have not transferred over MyLists from the old catalogue to the new. We gave it a go – but SirsiDynix warned us it wasn’t easy and in the end it proved impracticable. We do have the data saved and if you get somebody who is particularly upset at losing their lists, let eServices know as we might well be able recreate an individual list.

Regards, Peter

Horizon update 2

We are happy for you to use the Horizon software, but cautiously.

We have two problems remaining. The first is Horizon reports in Camelot. At the moment the software keeps wanting to use the old database – this also affects dynamic pages on the Web e.g. Hours. ICTS have made the needed changes, but Margaret and I need to look further to find the problem.

The second is the catalogue, which is working OK but which we haven’t made publicly available as there are related issues that we are fixing: for instance, if the server it runs on is restarted, the Catalogue does not automatically restart. In addition, Zuzana and I have some work to do on the MyLists area.

Peter K

Horizon upgrade update

RFIF equipment should be working. We have a few people working with the new Horizon in a test mode.

The Camelot reports should not yet be used as they are still running from the old database – we are working on this at the moment.

The Catalogue is running, but we have more work to do on this so I’m not expecting to make that live till early afternoon.

Regards, Peter

Horizon upgrade – additional notes

ICTS will push the software out on the network from 4 pm this afternoon. If you need Horizon after that time (especially Central staff and front desk) don’t log-off your machines until you have finished for the day.

After 4 pm, when you log-off, the software will install on your PC. We recommend leaving all PCs running, but logged-off overnight.

Horizon will not be available initially on Wednesday morning. If, through force of habit, you try to start Horizon you’ll likely see an error message along the lines of ‘Login failed: check server, user, password loginNULL’

If you have extra Horizon 7.5.1 icons, you may have to delete these by hand. Also, you may have to find Horizon 7.5.2 via the start menu, but we’ll be around to help. Post-upgrade, we’ll get a few people up and running as testers before opening it up.

Shane and Lin will be available to help if we need it e.g. with receipt printer settings.

Thanks, Peter K