All posts by blogsarchive

Multisearch outage Saturday Afternoon

Multisearch will be unavailable for a period on Saturday afternoon between 1 pm and 3 pm. The actual outage should be for around 30 minutes, although could stretch to an hour.

This is because of maintenance being conducted by SerialsSolutions in Seattle. The vagueness of timing is because they gave us a start-time in both Pacific Standard Time and in GMT – only they were an hour different.


Internet Explorer versions

Hi Everyone

If you still have Internet Explorer version 8 on your PCs rather than 10, can you please let me know along with your computer’s Asset Number (which will look something like C06578EF).

You can check the version by clicking on the cogwheel at top-right (or the ‘Help’ menu item if you have it) and then clicking ‘About Internet Explorer’.

Regards, Peter

Internet Explorer to be upgraded Monday night

‘Internet Explorer 10 is being installed on all Library Staff PCs with the exception of the ELM team. The IE10 package will be set to run on Monday beginning at 5:00PM when users log out.’

What this means in practice, is that come Tuesday morning, you will be running Internet Explorer 10. We have a number of library staff already using it and haven’t seen any issues.

Normally we ask you to shut down your PCs when you go home. However, it will speed up the installation if, on Monday, you log-off, but leave the PC running. If you don’t it doesn’t matter – it may just be a bit sluggish on Tuesday morning as it downloads and installs the new software.

Regards, Peter

Multisearch/Summon working group

You may be aware that a small group has been set-up to review our Multisearch settings, and in particular, to review the new version of Summon that is being released.

As a group we will be going through various configuration settings, and also feeding suggestions back to SerialsSolutions. Notes, and the Group’s project template can be found in K:\projects\Summon_review

A small informal group of us in LSS will also be looking at the troubleshooting aspects of linking and other content problems. I hope to get this aspect under way in the next week or so.

If you have any comments or enhancement requests relating to Multisearch, you can send them to me.

Thanks, Peter K

Title lists of Oxford Scholarship Online

Title lists of Oxford Scholarship Online

In Feb. 2013, we purchased Oxford Scholarship Online ebook Collections. Here are the title lists by subject:







Wendy Wu

Multisearch – full text link issues

An update as of Friday Morning. Serials Solutions have identified the cause of this problem. They hope to have it fixed within a few hours.

A number of you have noticed that some references are going to citation-online, when we have access to full-text.

I have reported this to SerialsSolutions with examples. They confirmed they have had several other related reports and are trying to find out what is happening.

Regards, Peter K

Oxford Bibliographies Online Education and Management:

The Library has recently purchased perpetual access to Education and Management subject collections on Oxford Bibliographies Online (OBO). Any forthcoming updates to these modules will also be included, up to 2015.

They are available here:
Wendy Wu

Chrome Security Issues


Some of you may be aware of this or have seen the article in the NZ Herald. You can read the article here

The only way I can see that this personal information can be removed is to go into your Chrome settings (the three bars at the top right of your chrome page) and select ‘settings’ and to select ‘clear browsing data’ (under Privacy) then tick ‘clear saved passwords’.

I had a look at this earlier today and found my passwords to a number of sites, even some I had forgotten for years!

Let us know if there is a setting that you know of that Chrome users can put in place so this information is not stored on our settings.
