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Damian Cairns Liaison Librarian


Student, Landscaper, Cafes, Retail, Public Libraries, Student, Museums, Shed Builder and back to Libraries! Throw in a fair bit of travel and that just about sums me up, apart from the best part of my life which is being Dad to two wonderful, smart and beautiful boys, Raphael (7) and Manu (5). I will refrain from boring everyone with my proud Dad photos, unless you want? (I have video as well!!)
My interests vary as much as my work experience, from the history of Islam to the insights of Steve Hansen. I am currently living in Redwood but my heart is in the Peninsula. My family are originally from Governors Bay and I have lived in Purau and Lyttelton, and I try to get over that way at least once a week.
Before starting my position in the Liaison Librarian team I was with Canterbury Museum for two years as Curator of Pictorial Collections, here, among other things I was part of the CEISMIC Consortium and helped establish the online collections and social networking presence of the Museum. At Christchurch City Libraries I held a number of roles over the years, including, Reference Librarian at the Aotearoa New Zealand Centre and as the Content Manager for the Kete Christchurch project. At the moment, when I’m not at UC, I am working on a short-term project for ECAN which mostly involves digital curation.
It was in my student days at Canterbury that I was inspired to become a librarian, so I feel very fortunate to be able to work here now. The great thing about this field is you learn something new every day, so I am looking forward to soaking up as much knowledge and gaining new skills in my year at UC.

Kia ora koutou,

It has been a very busy three weeks since joining the Team at the end of May in the role of Mâori Liaison Librarian. Prior to starting here I worked in the Kaitakawaenga role in the Mâori Services Team which is part of the Programmes, Events and Learning Team at Christchurch City Libraries for the past six years . The main areas of focus in my previous role were the design and delivery of programmes and Events to the Mâori community, implementation of the organisational strategic bicultural plan, internal professional development for staff, and outreach/ building relationships and outreach services in conjunction with customers/organisations/groups in the local Mâori community. I am an active member of Te Rôpû Whakahau (Mâori working in Libraries and Information Management) and am currently one of two members from Te Waipounamu to sit on the National Executive, Ngâ Kaiwhakahau.

I whakapapa to Ngâ Puhi, but was born in Southland, attended high school and Uni in Dunedin before moving to Christchurch. My partner Allen and I are both imports rather than Cantabrians, Allen is originally from Pukekohe. We have two wonderful children, Maddox (aspiring All Black), age 9 and Gabrielle (thinks she might like to be a preschool teacher) aged 3 1/2. I am a fan of sci fci and fantasy books, a bit of a crafter and a huge fan of chocolate. Much to my horror and surprise i have recently discovered i am also a convert to the pastime of gardening after two years of successful vegetable growing.

I am really looking forward to having the opportunity to work alongside our tauira and pukenga, other academic staff and library colleagues. I am also enjoying the kaitiaki aspect of the role in regards to working with the physical Mâori collections here at Te Puna Ako. Everyone has been very warm and welcoming and i am looking forward to meeting those of you whom i haven’t had a chance to meet with yet over the course of the next few weeks.


RFID – major software upgrade Mid-Term break

This is advance warning that during mid-term break we will be upgrading all RFID software – both behind the scenes, and on all PCs and FE equipment. This should provide speed improvements, fix some bugs, and offer some new features.

This is a major upgrade and will mean that for periods there will be no RFID services available. We intend to do one branch a day from each of the days from Monday 24th June through to Thursday 27th June – leaving Friday free for any issues that arise.

Clearly the disruption will be more significant at the Central Library compared with say, MB, simply because of the amount of equipment needing conversion.

While a branch is being upgraded, circulation processes will need to revert to using barcodes.

I’ll provide more information when I have it.

Thanks, Peter K

eServices position while Donna is on maternity leave

Copied from the UC vacancies page:

The Library Support Services Team at the University of Canterbury has a fixed-term vacancy for the role of E-Services Co-ordinator.

You will join a small innovative team of three to support access to Library services and information resources. The team enables the smooth running and integration of Library services seven days a week, and user access to electronic resources 24/7 by maintaining the Library Management System, Horizon; access to the many databases and packages; the Library Web, wiki and associated services; and the databases and infrastructure to maintain, index and access the Library‘s unique collections.

You will work collaboratively with staff, students, and vendors to provide the infrastructure for the Library that supports access to relevant information services to support learning, teaching and research at the University of Canterbury. Working at the leading edge of innovation in the digital arena, you will drive the way forward, mapping the route as you go.

You will need excellent interpersonal and communication skills. The ability to work well in a team and as an individual is essential. You will need to be self-motivated, well organised, customer focused and enjoy challenges. Attention to detail and accuracy are important attributes.

If you enjoy the combination of information, technology, and working with people as part of library services, and are excited about future opportunities to support learning, teaching and research, join our team and make it happen.

Download the full Position Description from here.

Mystery electronic device.

An electronic something, probably a receiver / transmitter for a wireless device like a wireless mouse, has been found plugged into the teacher’s PC in the Den. So if anyone has been teaching in the Den and is minus a Panasonic gadget with a USB plug on one end and what looks sort of like a squashed trackball on the other (all in stealth black) it is in the Central lost and found box.


Mystery electronic device.

An electronic something, probably a receiver / transmitter for a wireless device like a wireless mouse, has been found plugged into the teacher’s PC in the Den. So if anyone has been teaching in the Den and is minus a Panasonic gadget with a USB plug on one end and what looks sort of like a squashed trackball on the other (all in stealth black) it is in the Central lost and found box.


Ezproxy interruption Tuesday 9th April 8.30 am

On Tuesday, at 8.30 am, Ezproxy is being moved to a new server. This will interrupt access to our electronic resources – even on campus. We hope the outage will be short. While ICTS have allowed 30 minutes, we hope it will only take 10 minutes or so.

If you need to get to a resource during this time, you can do so by removing the prefix ‘’ from the URL. This will only work on-campus.

There will be a news item on our home page closer to the day.

Peter K

problems with People Soft self-servicce

Hi all

If you are having problems using People Soft self-service portal (since the upgrade last week) you may need to clear your browser’s browsing history.
We are getting reports of people not seeing the full menu once they’ve logged in.
To rectify this – first try hitting refresh after you have signed in.
If that doesn’t bring back the full display, follow the steps on
to clear your browser history.
After you’ve done this – try “refresh” again. If you have no luck with refreshing the screen, shut down your browser session and open a new session.

