All posts by blogsarchive

Weeding journal issues

We now have to depreciate everything we delete. If you are weeding serials their item status should be set to ‘weedj’ – no other action is needed as these will then be processed to record details for depreciation and then finally removed from the catalogue.

If you do not have access to change item_status at the moment, we will be creating a Camelot script to make it easy to do this.

Because serials weeding involves updating copy and holding details, there is a backlog so weeded serials will stay in the catalogue for awhile, but with a note that they have been weeded.

Peter K

new storage collection codes

Hi all

You may come across some new storage collection codes we have recently created for various stock moves. As you may get a question or 2 about these from customers…here is an outline/description.

this is material that has come back from Crown (was part of the original batch of material sent to Crown in 2009) and has been identitified as items we want to keep. Currently these items are boxed up in the law basement as there is no room for them in their final destination (library warehouse) yet. They should be moved to the library warehouse in mid December. Until this time they have a status of ‘u’ (currently unavailable) and are not requestable. These are mostly monographs (there are some annual serials too). If anyone wants these items to use before December they will need to place an interloan request.

z26j (serials) and z26b (monographs)
this is the collection code assigned to items in bay 26 in the University Warehouse. Most z26j items are serial runs that’ve come back from Crown (part of the original batch of material sent to Crown in 2009), that we have identified as material to keep (no perpetual electronic access). Currently these items are stored in DA3. They will be moved in early November, once the shelving from the ex-special collections room has been installed in the uni Warehouse. Once housed in the warehouse these items will be retrieveable. At the moment retrieval is a grey area.

on behalf of eServices

Taylor & Francis Databases – scheduled outage

This from Taylor & Francis

“Taylor & Francis Online will be undergoing maintenance on Monday 29th October 2012, starting at 14:00 GMT and finishing by 19:00 GMT (that translates to Tuesday 30th of October, from 3am to 8am, in New Zealand time).
The platform will be unavailable during this time. We apologize for any inconvenience caused by this scheduled development work.”


Spine Labels icon on the desktop

These are brief instructions on how to get the Spine labels icon onto your Windows 7 desktop. There are two steps:

a) In Explorer, navigate to K:\library_IT\reports and find the file called splabels.bat. Now there are several of these – the one you want is highlighted here:

Your view may well vary but the names should be the same.

Right-Click on this file and select the option (about 2/3rds of the way down) of ‘Send to’. This brings up another menu. Choose the second item Desktop (create shortcut). This will put a shortcut on your desktop.

b) Before using this you will need to add a directory to your computer.

Again, in Explorer navigate to the C: drive – if you don’t see this click on ‘Computer’ in the left navigation bar. In here you will find a ‘temp’ folder. Right-click on this and choose ‘New’. From the sub-menu choose ‘Folder’. Rename this new folder ‘reports’.

Feel free to ring eServices if you have problems doing this.

Peter K

Central library quotas and load periods increased

To cater for the summer closure of the Central Library two changes have been made.

Central Items issued from Monday the 15th October that have a normal loan period (i.e. excluding short-term, hourly, or High Demand loans) will now issue to February after the Central Library reopens. The return dates will staggered over the first week of reopening.

Quotas on Central Library items (again excluding High Demand and the like) have been increased to 40 for Undergraduates and 200 for Research Students and Staff.

Peter K

ULANZ link in Horizon

The ULANZ link in the Horizon Launcher has been altered to work with Windows 7 machines but as a consequence will no longer work on the XP machines. This change will take affect next time you start Horizon. To work, the Windows 7 machine will need Firefox installed (see previous counterculture posting).

If you think the lack of a working ULANZ link is going to be a problem on your XP machines (i.e. until the end of next week by which time all libraries should have some machines on Windows 7) let me know and I can give you an alternate method of getting in.

Regards, Peter K

Sophos warning on some web pages

ICTS have reported that some web pages are producing the following Sophos error warning:

‘Virus/spyware’ Troj/Phish-BS has been detected. Access to the web content has been blocked.

If you see this specific message you can ignore it. Apparently Troj/Phish-BS is a virus affecting a Google ad-page used on many web sites. Sophos is providing appropriate protection and it is expected Google will fix this very quickly.

Regards, Peter K