All posts by blogsarchive

Horizon database errors “identity trigger failed”

Hi all

We have been getting some Horizon database errors “identity trigger failed” “bad borrower # in burb” on some items at Central. These items are given an ‘item held’ status on the catalogue but are on hold for no borrower.
Trying to CKI or issue these items in Horizon comes up with the error message above. If you are using a sort-assist to CKI items you may get a black “database error” bar but you could get no indication at all…We have started CKI items in with the sort-assist and then putting them through Horizon CKI as well as a precaution.

E-services are aware of these errors but need to fix each one individually. If you come across any examples please email the barcode to e-services.

There may be some strange recall issues too.


supply of narrow strips for heat binding machine


We have received a couple of boxes of narrow strips for the heat binding machine from CEPS. These will be kept in the cupboards behind the desk. Please replenish the supply by the binding machine if you notice stocks getting low (or, more realistically, if borrowers report being out of them). If you put the last box out please email and copy in to send more supplies over. In your email state they are narrow strips for the central library heat binding machine.

