All posts by blogsarchive

TEDU110/EDU102 tutorial “child of our time”


Just had a student come to central lib info desk asking to access a video from their TEDU110/EDU102 tutorial 1 – from the bbc series “child of our time” . After much hunting I finally found the instructions on finding the episode on learn. However, only distance students can actually see the instructions. Using our libhelp log-in we can access them (they use EDTV database) – under Tutorials

New Horizon location for CONZUL store

As part of our agreement with other CONZUL Libraries, items sent to the CONZUL store are required to have their own location setting within Horizon.

This location is ‘X’ and items at this location will simply display as ‘CONZUL store’ with a pac description of ‘CONZUL store – ask Library Staff’ although this wording could change as the process is refined. There aren’t many such items at the moment, but in the future we will start to see more of them in the catalogue.

Regards, Peter K

Horizon: multiple requests on items and bibs

Some of you have noticed that multiple requests are causing some issues. In some cases borrowers can’t request a journal issue when they have other issues of that same title on loan. In other cases, borrowers can put multiple requests on the same item.

Because of a bug in Horizon, we have to have one or other of the above two scenarios. At present I have allowed multiple requests on one item so that journal requesting is not blocked.

I have reported this to SirsiDynix and hopefully will have more information soon.

Peter K

Horizon – should be OK for you to use

The only upgrade problems we had relate to Central SelfCheck & Sort Assist and to some issues with the Catalogue. The Horizon client itself does not seem to have caused any problems.

It is now OK for you to start using Horizon for all functions, but let us know (8603 or email if you come across anything strange.

We are aware of three problems with the Catalogue:
– Renewals (we have a probable fix for this which we will put in place sometime today)
– My List (new items not adding)
– Show copies (Journals – will not display past screen 11 if there are this many).

Thanks, Peter