At present the Central SelfCheck Kiosks are not connecting to Horizon. Normally this would be easy to fix, but I cannot connect to the Virtual Server that manages these connections.
I have asked ICTS for urgent assistance in getting access but unfortunately in the meantime Central issues will need to be handled at the front desk.
Partly completed. SelfCheck and the Catalogue should be working. Note that the Catalogue is not allowing self-renewals at the moment so users will need to contact Library Staff.
As indicated earlier, please don’t start using Horizon until we ask you to.
Please refer to Catherine’s earlier posting as a reminder on timing and details. This note adds a few specifics:
a) Your PC should be shutdown overnight – not just logged off.The restart on Wednesday should put on the new Horizon client – but don’t use it until we say.
b) During the upgrade, it won’t be possible to turn off the RFID security. We may have to live with this although we are hopeful of having the SelfService kiosks up quickly. There is a way of changing the security set-up but we can’t test it without disrupting existing circulation. If we run into delays with the upgrade, we will look to implement this.
c) New buttons/menu options to ignore. In CKO there is a new menu option “Enable RFID” and a new button “End Session”. Don’t use either. The first is a 3M specific function and will break our RFID services. The second is for public libraries using rentals. We, and others, have asked SirsiDynix for a way to hide these.
And remember – when we give you the go ahead to start using Horizon on Wednesday – check your database setting at the time of login is CULIB.
This is to let you know that we are thinking of January 18th as a possible date for an update of Horizon and the catalogue. There are a number of things that have to happen, and approvals given, before confirmation but we do want to get the upgrade in around that time.
Testing reveals nothing of significance, although there are a few minor items that I do have to follow-up.
IT advises that the UC Wiki will be periodically unavailable on Saturday morning – this includes Camelot and public wiki pages such as Endnote. They hope that services will be available by noon.
This is part of a larger program of service maintenance happening that morning.
A large number of Microsoft updates are being released today. You are likely to notice these when you log-off today or tomorrow – your PC will probably note that it is installing updates.
If you have any of the UC laptops in your area, it would be a good idea to plug these into the network and leave them running so that they can pickup the updates as well. In my experience, this does not work so well over the wireless network. Probably best to do this from Tuesday as I’m not sure what time today the downloads will become active.
As Library Strategic Plans are being discussed at the moment, some of you might be interested to look at the slides that accompanied a talk given in the USA about library trends.
Roy Tennant stated this ‘insightful presentation does an excellent job of summarizing the challenges academic libraries face and also some potential responses to those challenges’
While we don’t have the presentation, the slides give a pretty good summary of the paper.
The presentation is on the Q: drive in the folder called ‘literature” –
We are upgrading the Institutional Repository and moving it to a new Virtual Server. The actual change is planned for December 12th, but this week we will be moving files and testing.
As a consequence, there will be no new items added to the Institutional Repository from today, until we have the new Repository available next week.
The EFTPOS reload station is being updated by ICTS – it has an out of order sign on it. There is another reload machine down by the old copycentre that students can use to top up their cards