All posts by blogsarchive

Correcting Location and Collection codes for items

it appears this does not work in Internet Explorer. We will work on that.

If you have an item which needs to have its Collection Code or Location changed (typically an earthquake relocated back-home again item) you can now use a program Margaret has written. it can be found in the Camelot Horizon reports (under the Earthquake Resources) called Restore correct location and collection code

Scan the barcode in (or type in and press Submit). If the changes look correct, then click Confirm to make them happen. So you can have a look first before actually changing anything.

Items may still need to be checked-in to look for requests, etc.

This will not work for High Demand items as they are deliberately not in their normal collection or location.

Bulk changes should still come through to eServices.

Over the next week we will also be doing some behind the scenes tidying-up as there are a significant number of items with the wrong collection code, especially in Central.

Peter K

Update on printers

As of Wednesday evening: this from ICTS

The process of manually updating each print queue is still underway, and we have successfully updated 120+ queues so far. This is of a total 384 queues, of which approximately a third are in an inactive state and may not require updating. The following link contains a list of those active print queues which have already been updated to use printer specific drivers:

This list will be updated regularly until all print queues have been manually updated.

We will continue to update as to our progress on this issue. Please also continue to contact the ICT Service Desk if you are aware of urgent printing issues, as these queues can be prioritised to be manually updated.

Printer update

From ICTS – doesn’t actually say how long before everything is finished:

The installation of individual print drivers onto UCPrint1 was completed successfully last night. This morning we received feedback from those priority queues updated first that confirmed our solution was successful. Each print queue is now in the process of being manually updated, with 75 of 384 queues having been successfully updated already so far. Approximately a third of the 384 queues are in an inactive state and may not require updating.

Please continue to contact the ICT Service Desk if you are aware of urgent printing issues, as these queues can be prioritised to be manually updated.

Databases and Browser Security Warnings

We have long had a problem where connecting to certain databases (e.g. Lexis) brings up a security warning in the browser relating to Security Certificates. We first raised this with ICTS several years ago – but the fix then available would have created a security breach.

This has changed and today’s renewal of the Ezproxy Security Certificate should have helped this problem. I’m hoping we will see no more Security Certificate warnings. There isn’t a downside to this – but as always, if you see unexpected problems please let eServices know.


Computer use survey

You have received a link to a survey asking about your computer software, prior to moving to Windows 7.

This survey mainly asks about software installed on your computer. For most of us, the correct answer on the first page is that we are running a standard set-up with some specific applications.

The section on Office should be straight-forward although you will see some parts of the suite that you may not have known existed.

The next section asks about other software on your machine. If you don’t know version numbers, leave them blank. Think about what you do when answering this. We all have Horizon (version 7.5). We all have Sybase (version 15). Other software you may use includes Acrobat Professional, Dreamweaver, MarcEdit, OCLC Connexion, NJStar or other language related software, possibly some screen capture software (e.g. SnagIT), AbbyFineReader, etc. Software that runs through a web browser (e.g. Te Puna interloans, LibGuides, etc.) does not need to be covered.

You can ring eServices if you have questions – currently we are on extn 8009

Regards, Peter

High Demand returns to MB

I have been manually editing the collection codes for Central / Law / EPS High Demand material being returned to Macmillan Brown, so that the books feel at home and have a sense of belonging.

Until the next move…

Now, thanks to Margaret and Catherine the little programme on the Temporary collections at branches page of the Wiki is now re-tweaked and functional so anybody at the desk can just scan a High demand item into the correct collection (mr3d, mr3h, etc.).

So Please, anybody at the MB desk, do so.

It is this one:

Please pick the correct collection!

