All posts by blogsarchive

returns from central EPS and high demand

Just a summary of Joan’s email to me:

EPS and Central items returned to MB/EDU should be sent to Education to be added to the earthquake program

High Demand items from any branch except education should be sent to MB to be added to their earthquake collection

At this stage – if you get any items that go to “transit request” to central library:
Go to the item’s request queue list >Edit> change pick-up location to the library you are at.
CKI again and you will get a hold slip.


Dayend, Notices and Hours

As from the night of Friday 17th June I will be running DayEnd – this will continue until Lending are ready to pick it up again.

Please do process notices as usual – including pre-overdues.

Calendar hours in Horizon have been changed for the open libraries (Education and MB) and the High Demand location is set the same as Education until Central reopens.

Peter K

update on engineering Standards

A decision has now been made to send the engineering standards back to EPS. They are 1-day loans and can be requested (pick up HD central library) – some are unbarcoded and can be requested by emailing the EPS library email account.

Please don’t add any more standards to the central earthquake program – you can recognise them by the strange BS EN 1000… call number, they will also have the word “standard” in the title and are unbound.

EPS standards at Central

Hi all
Engineering Standards that come to Central need to be added to the ceq program as with all EPS items…These should have (once Deborah gets e-services to make the change) 1 Day loan I-types (rather than the 3H itypes they used to have at EPS) to enable borrowers to request them.
These will be shelved in the Self-Loan area by the EPS dvds (on the back wall where HD AV items are kept).

