Hi all
We are housing EPS AV items on the shelf in the self-loan area where the high-demand audiovisual is.
Hi all
We are housing EPS AV items on the shelf in the self-loan area where the high-demand audiovisual is.
At present you can’t get anywhere if you use the staff exit door – the undercroft is currently roped/blocked off. I have told Sandra to notify Joan, who hopefully can get the cordon to exclude the afterhours returns bins and the staff exit door so we can open up in the morning…just something to be aware of. The front stairs/locker room/disabled lift/entry should still be accessable.
Hi all
Just a couple of things to know if you are working the central library desk.
– Interloan holds are in the cupboard behind the mid-height CKI pc.
– Lost Property is collected on the 2nd-to-bottom shelf in the cupboard behind the mid-height CKI pc
– key to the photocopiers (by the copy centre) = in a black pen mesh tray in the cupboard behind ICTS service desk. we need this to restock the machines (copiers and printers) with paper (this is now the shared responsiby of ICTS and library staff)
– when you are logging on first thing in the morning
– please only log-in one Horizon session (central location on pc with the RFID pad and high demand on the other pc)
– ON THE PC WITH RFID PAD open the rfid “Circulation Assistant” (doubleclick on the desktop) – when you are in the Horizon window the “smart library circulation assistant” should show in a small bow – green if you are in CKO – red if in CKI.
– if the “smart library circulation assistant” freezes – wait a few seconds and try again (e.g. flip between CKI/CKO a few times). if nothing seems to work close the program and open it again…if it still won’t read a tagged book try restarting the computer. If none of that works tell Fiona Tyson, Romy and/or E-services.
Kathryn Andrews has reported a missing connector enabling a Macbook to connect to a data projector. If you have a lIbrary Macbook can you check its case to make sure that there isn’t a spare. I do remember from NZi3 days a bit of confusion of connectors ending up in the wrong case.
Thanks, Peter K
On Monday 16th May 2011, ICTS will once again be requiring desktop computers to use Internet Enabler to enable access to the internet. This requirement was temporarily disabled after the February 22nd earthquake to assist with ease of internet access and setup.
Internet Enabler will not be required when using the wireless network. Wireless-only devices, such as iPads or mobile phones, will no longer need an Internet Enabler client. Laptops will only need to run Internet Enabler when connected by cable to the wired network.
If any users report internet access issues after use of the Internet Enabler client is reinstated, please ask them to disable and re-enable Internet Enabler.
For further information please refer to the following link:
With Lin and Shane now based within the ICTS structure, they are not checking the eservices email account as often as they were once. They are also doing a lot of non-library work. Other ICTS staff may also deal with library problems.
So, a reminder that if you have a problem with your PC or other computing equipment that would normally required help from Lin or Shane, you will need to log a request with the ICT ServiceDesk or, if urgent, phone them on 6060.
If you are having a problem and you are not sure of the cause (e.g. software where the problem might be library related, or it might be from some other cause) by all means check with Catherine or me. It is going to take a while for us all to become familiar with our changed roles.
Peter K
If you are looking for a Library Distribution list and cannot find it, note that most of the lists that were in the Public Folders are now included in the Global Address book. They start with _LR e.g. _LR Library Interloans
Peter K
The Catalogue indexes are having problems. We will fix them as needed and will do a full reindex later.
The records in Summon now include the course code within a notes field and these can be searched e.g. laws101 or “laws 101” although both (especially the latter) will produce false hits as course codes are not unique to UC. Using the facets to restrict to the “Restricted Loans” location (which will become known as “High Demand” at some stage) can remove the false hits. Lecturer’s names are not indexed.
Examples include:
cosc 327 markov
laws101 scragg
“laws 101” greville
This note supplements Sandra’s note.
We are happy for recalled items that cannot be retrieved because of the Earthquake, to now be given the ‘leq’ status to prevent them going into a ‘lost recall’ status. As Sandra mentioned, add an alert block with details. Let Peter or Catherine know of any problems.
Catherine is preparing a report for Sandra of all items that have already gone into the ‘lost recall’ status. Some of these may be valid, others may need to be processed as described in Sandra’s posting.
Regards, Peter K