IT have created an automated process which should make it easier to set up laptops for use on campus. It will not work in every case, but should work for most.
Details are seen under the Connect tab on the IT Wireless Web Pages.
Peter K
IT have created an automated process which should make it easier to set up laptops for use on campus. It will not work in every case, but should work for most.
Details are seen under the Connect tab on the IT Wireless Web Pages.
Peter K
If any of you are doing PBRF verification and have trouble accessing the PBRF network folder U:\Shared\LibraryPBRF then logging off then on again should fix it. The folder has been moved and made larger.
Peter K
Hi everyone
The education library desk phone extension number is not working yet. If you need to get hold of someone at the education library their workroom extension – 44216 is going through ok.
hi all
We have elected to store all group CKO (non-barcoded) pieces accompanying ex-central library high demand items in a blue crate in the MB mailroom (downstairs). We have left lab manuals and workbooks for some spanish textbooks on the shelves (attached to the parent items with rubber bands) as these have been regularly asked for by borrowers.
So basically, if it’s on the shelves with the parent item – it can go out to the borrower (put in number of pieces as per usual in CKO). Ask the borrower to return the item with the pieces attached with the rubber band.
If the pieces are not on the shelf with the parent item AND the borrower reallly really wants them – they can be got from the mailroom and issued with the parent to the borrower – just pop a CKI note on the item to alert staff to return the “bits” to the mailroom when the item is returned.
Hi to everyone on the MB roster over the next week or so
We have moved the high demand AV items (ex central library) from the shelves at MB onto a trolley (located in the temporary ‘mb’ book shelf area) to make more space for books (being returned or coming off the hold shelf). Please leave the trolley there – i will make sure the trolley is labelled.
This is a list of the messages that will appear on the RFID Self Check machines. These can be changed on a location by location basis and this is probably something Joan and Barbara may coordinate when time allows e.g. ‘Service desk’ or ‘Circulation desk’ or ‘Lending desk’ etc.
If you see any other error messages I would appreciate it if you let me know. Some (e.g. “There is a problem with this item”) are very general and we may be able to produce more helpful error messages with some testing.
Peter K
I’ve just updated the floorplans for Central Library on our website. If you see anything weird and not wonderful, or can clarify shelf labels or the like, please let me know. I will progressively update the other maps (printable maps and maps with different orientations) over the course of the next couple of days.
The following email from IT:
On Thursday 10th February from 6pm we will be doing urgent system maintenance on the Windows file servers. During this time there will be no access to:
• All staff personal file shares (p: drive), departmental file shares (k: drives), universal file shares (u: drive)
• All student file shares
• LibraryArchive and LibraryMain
• SCCM Packages
• Scratch file share
We recommend staff and students log off their PCs when they go home on Thursday.
Note this means all Library network drives (including Q: etc.). For those still at work, you will receive ‘Offline’ error messages but Horizon and the Web should still work OK. I don’t know about, but wouldn’t count on, networked printing.
Students will be similarly affected.
The server hosting the Library web site requires replacement of a faulty cooling unit.
This is going to be done on Saturday morning at 10 am and could take up to an hour. During this period, the Library website and the catalogue will be unavailable. While inconvenient, this is an urgent task and the sooner fixed the better.
Regards, Peter
The National Library advises that all Te Puna services will be taken down at midday today for about 15 minutes.
This will resolve the current access problems that are being reported.
This work will, unfortunately, not resolve the Interloans timeout issue, which we will deal with after this one is fixed.
Ruth Miller
Customer Support Consultant
National Digital Library