We cannot currently see content in either the Q: and M: drives. I have reported this to ICT ServiceDesk.
Regards, Peter
We cannot currently see content in either the Q: and M: drives. I have reported this to ICT ServiceDesk.
Regards, Peter
There are two sets of changes happening. Shortly the _LibraryAllStaff global email address book will be removed and replaced with two new lists reflecting the changes in structure:
_LR Library Research and Information Services and _LR Library Support Services
In additon, the internal library distribution lists that we have for branches, etc. will be moved to the global address book also. They are likely to take the starting formats of _libr or _libs as appropriate. This should make them easier to find, use and maintain and the same changes have been made for other areas of Learning Resources. These lists will now be maintained by the Learning Resources admin team (which includes Carole and Maureen) and requests for changes to email lists can be sent to them at LearningResources-Administration@canterbury.ac.nz
Te Puna continues to have problems and at the moment some connections are being refused.
They are also sometimes putting in place a 3 minute timeout on inactive sessions. We may have a local timeout issue also, but it is rather hard to fault find with the Te Puna problems. I’ll keep in touch with them, and when things settle down do some local testing.
**As of Monday night**
Good evening Client users
We are still working hard on the access problem, but do not expect to have a solution this evening.
In the meantime, and until we advise that all is well, we suggest your library uses WebCat http://webcat.natlib.govt.nz/ . If you no longer know your logon – please get in touch.
Again, apologies for this continued lack of service.
Kind regards
Ruth Miller
Customer Support Consultant
A progress report.
I have done some testing this morning to ensure the new client installs and connects OK. Lin is now preparing a package to send the software out to Library Support Services staff. We will probably send this out to a couple of staff first as a test.
I expect we will have to make a few minor path changes within the Voyager client itself but we’ll sort those out during testing. Hopefully by this afternoon we will be up and running.
Thanks, Peter K
For the Resource and Discovery teams:
As you know, the Te Puna Voyager client will need to be upgraded on Monday 20th for you to use the new National Library catalogue. Lin and I have done some preliminary work on this but we can’t adjust the final settings until we can actually get access to the upgraded catalogue – at the moment the new Voyager software will not run because it is trying to connect to the older database at the National Library.
I am hoping I can do some testing before the weekend, but it may be necessary for us to wait until Monday. The testing will not take long – it is mainly to do with the templates and other local customizations that we have used over the years. Nevertheless it may mean you do not have Voyager access until later on Monday.
Thanks, Peter K
Yesterday ICTS released a large number of security patches for our computers. To avoid problems with these trying to install on your laptops when you least want it – could you please connect any laptops you have in your area to the wired network and leave switched on for a few hours. You shouldn’t need to be logged-in. After a few hours, restart the laptop. At that stage you might want to login and leave it for a bit to check that no patch-install messages (e.g. ones asking for another restart) appear.
Thanks, Peter
Dear Colleagues,
Thank you for your many good wishes and my gift. The Wedgewood cake plate stand is so pretty. The floral arrangement has been on the dining table as a centre piece for the last two weeks. It has been especially enjoyed by my littlest cat Poppy who’s been doing some rearranging and a lot of sipping from the bowl. I’d also like to thank you all for your support and encouragement this year which has been a particularly taxing one.
Good luck to my fellow exitees – there are lots of choices out there. To the remaining crew – may the force be with you!
I’d also like to put in a plug for a country Christmas fete happening out our way next weekend (Sunday 5th of December). $10 entry fee at the gate but $5.00 if you buy your ticket beforehand see:
The Library has chosen FE Technologies as preferred vendor to provide our RFID solution (this still has to go to the tender panel).
FE Technologies has been chosen because their RFID offerings provide the best functional and technical solution to the Library. They can provide, off the shelf, a wider range of equipment and functionality to suit the span of requirements of our libraries. Their solution proved to be the best at handling multiple items and dealing with exceptions – mainly due to the efficient way they integrate with the Library Management Systems, including Horizon. They can also provide a smart bin for returning items at Central. Additionally, their Sort Assistant for returning items will benefit other UC libraries. They are the only company that can provide multiple levels of security within a library, and this will allow the Central Library and may assist MB to have an area for self-service hourly loans or special collections. They have experience supporting the RFID standard FDIS 28560 parts 1 and 2, and will be able to provide the data model ready for tagging within a week. The chosen data model will allow for further innovation later, and the Library will not be dependent on one vendor in the future. They also have the best conversion process on offer, and although this was not a deciding factor in the decision, it is important in allowing us to meet the 15 February 2011 deadline for the Central Library conversion.
I am pleased to announce that Fiona Tyson will be the Conversion Coordinator. She will be managing the conversion project on the ground and will be liaising and communicating with other library staff. Fiona starts work tomorrow.
We have already started working with FE Technologies on the data model and files needed for the conversion which will start next week. We are expecting one conversion unit on Monday and another two units on Wednesday. FE will provide training next week, probably Wednesday. Next week we will be testing the conversion methods using the existing staff employed by Central. The conversion staff will start on the 29th November and will work in 3 shifts covering 8.00am-6.00pm Monday to Friday and 9.00am-5.00pm Saturday. The conversion will initially concentrate on Central, but we will convert EPS material where possible and if there are spare resources, then parts of Education will also be tagged.
Cheers, Anne