All posts by blogsarchive

New password policy – can affect all users

From the 15th November, logins will be locked for 30 minutes if somebody has failed to login 20 times. Most of our users shouldn’t try this often if they have forgotten a password, but still, if you have people coming to the desk unable to login it would be worth while remembering this as a possibility. Typically anybody who has forgotten a password needs to talk to the ICT ServiceDesk. Regards, Peter

The message we received from ICTS is:

On the 15th of November, password policy enforcement will be activated on the current ldap and radius servers. This effectively means that if a usercode fails to log in multiple times (20 on the same server) then the usercode will be locked out for 30 minutes.This will effect all authentication services provided by the ldap servers including remote access, internet enabler, the ezproxy library database servers, and the learn student systems.

Summon upgrade

The Summon multisearch service is being upgraded as I write. You may notice odd little things – features coming and going such as a subtle authentication bar along the top. This was here earlier this morning and gone again now. It is something that should only be seen off-campus.

Basic searching should not change – and hopefully these wee oddities will be sorted fairly soon.

Regards, Peter

Single-sided printing –

On October 6th ICTS set student print queues to default to duplex printing; print charges also reduced. The change to duplex has been in the wind for a long time and while the timing might not be great, it is easy enough for students to select single-sided if they need it. The properties box when printing offers the chance to turn duplex off. There are instructions available if you need to show students how to do this.

For more details see Shane’s posting. Also see the ICTS webpages which explains the changes.

Interloans management sessions – VDX

Later in October there will be a two-day session for several staff members as we look to set up a VDX interloans management system. On the first day there will be a one-hour introduction which will be open to other staff who might have an interest in this area. We would be grateful if managers and team leaders could have a think about who might attend.

The introduction will be in the Level 5 Staff Room for one hour – 9 am to 10 am on Tuesd;ay 26th October.

Regards, Peter

RFID demonstrations

We will have vendors demonstrating RFID technology during the period 28th October to 3rd November. Actual days and vendors will be finalized later. We are hoping to have a representative selection of library staff present and Managers might like to start thinking about appropriate staff. While a small group will be doing a formal evaluation, we would also expect other staff to provide informal feedback.

More details will follow when available.

Thanks, Peter K.