All posts by blogsarchive

Offers of personal copies of books

Anyone recieving offers from lecturers of personal copies of books for Central Restricted Loans, please explain we have space limitations and, while thanking them for the offer, accept only:

* Items already on the library catalogue, i.e. duplicates of things the library already holds where the library copy is inaccessible.

* Things lecturer’s know will be in high demand, probably material where they would normally have placed a library copy on restricted loan for their course anyway.

* Please send items to the Law Library (well labelled with the owner’s name so we can return them) marked something like “Personal copy for Restricted Loan, attention Jack Arron”, and with the course(s) they relate to so we can index them to be searchable by course and lecturer. If possible, fill out one of our pink Non-Library Book forms (can print one from here) and include that.

Restricted Loans will add personal copies as “Non Library Books”, as we already do, and they will be by default 3-hour loans available from the Law lending desk and for in-library use only. If lecturers specifically want a 3-day loan period they can negotiate that with us.



Central Library Pick-up Location and Interloans

Hi All

You may notice some items requested by Interloans through the IBDS system with their pick-up location as Central. We are still based at Central Library so need to receive these requested items here if possible…
I am hoping that the hamper system can get up and running again soon and that the Central Library unpacking room will still be a pick-up/drop-off point for Interloans and Collection Services. If the hamper system is not back up and running by the end of this week i will come and pick the items up from branches myself (though, if you are coming over to Central, feel free to drop off any of our requested items to the workroom…i have chocolate at my desk…)



Printing across campus appears to be stuffed

Hi all

I’m just posting this to counterculture as a heads up. The Print server (staff and student) appears to be down this morning.
Apparently the printers across campus went a little crazy last night and started spitting out reams of paper with single lines of text. ICTS were notified last night and i assume are still working on this problem.

As far as I know no printers are working


Library Printers

The library printers (staff and student) seem to have a system fault at the moment, where large amounts of paper are going through the printers with random symbols at the top of each page. This seems to be happening in all campus libraries, as well as in the Loft.
A message has been left for the on call ICTS technician explaining the problem – but in the meantime printers should be turned off and ‘out of order’ signs put up.

Angela Berry.

Summon unavailable Wednesday morning

Summon will be unavailable from 10 am Wednesday morning, for about one hour. The underlying index is being modified and re-built to introduce new features. One of those new features is a change so that this sort of outage, their first, should also be their last, as future changes should be done on the fly.

A note from Serials Solutions:

With this new re-index, we will be merging matched documents to improve the metadata and full text indexing as well as eliminating duplication. In addition, you will notice several bug fixes and improvements with search capabilities. Some of these will be improvements relating to: proper diactric handling, improvements to Japanese language searching, and many more performance and scalability improvements.
