Here is the official announcement re changing passwords, and accessing Peoplesoft. You need access to this for:
* Submission of online leave applications and online leave tracking
* Managing online leave requests
* Viewing, updating, and changing personal profiles
* Viewing payslips and pay summaries online
* Completing and submitting timesheets online
From ICTS:
A reminder that PeopleSoft Self-Service will go live tomorrow (Tuesday) and will be available to all staff at this link:
Prior to logging in for the first time, staff must change their password using the IT Account tool:
This will change their password on all systems, and the rules governing passwords have altered. They are as follows:
“Your password must have a minimum of 8 characters, up to a maximum of 32. Please note that only letter/number characters can be used, though you may use a combination of both. No spaces or special characters are allowed. You cannot use any part of your own name, or your username. Additionally, you cannot use the word “password.” Passwords are case sensitive. Once reset, it can take up to 20 minutes to update.”
Information on using the system is available on the HR Intranet’s PeopleSoft Information page
Please contact the ICT Service Desk if you or the staff you support have any difficulties.