You can, if needed for work purposes, use your email to send a text message to anybody with a mobile phone.
Details are here.
You can, if needed for work purposes, use your email to send a text message to anybody with a mobile phone.
Details are here.
Two reports regarding the Library Change Proposal made to the Academic Board, by the Library Committee and the Teaching and Learning Committee, have been added to the Q:/ Change Proposal Docs folder.
hi everyone
I’ve put my recordings of the USCA and the staff forum today into the Q drive folder – Q:\Change proposal docs\Forum recordings. They are untested so i don’t know what the quality is like. There is a break in the UCSA forum recording where my iPod ran out of space – about half a question was missed out.
Hi Everyone
I tested out my new iPod voice recorder today at the library staff forum this morning. For anyone who’s interested I have put the WAV file of the recording into the Q drive in the Change Proposal Docs folder in the folder “Forum (19 May) recording”. The quality is ok (for Rod’s “answers” at least) but some of our questions are a bit quiet. The file can be played in QuickTime (allows you to fast-forward) or Windows Media Player.
This is a copy of an ICTS email – just for your information, but note that if students have problems ICTS staff in the loft can help – Peter
ICTS is all set to create new Exchange accounts for about 1100 PhD and Master Thesis students. Paul Arnold will be running this in batches of about 300 so that you are not bombarded with questions all at once, and we hope to kick this off tomorrow morning.
Please let me know today if you have any issues with us initiating this work.
• These are people that have never had an @pg address before so there will not be the same confusion or technical issues that were caused with the initial 250.
• This group of people will be sent an email from me tomorrow morning to inform them that we are beginning the process.
• These students will have an Exchange account associated to a new @pg address AND their existing Outlook Live account associated with their @uclive & @student addresses.
• We will not be migrating mail over from Outlook Live to Exchange but they can do this using the Outlook Client (the ICT Workrooms staff in the Loft can assist with this).
• Once their account is set up the student will receive an email in their Outlook Live mailbox notifying them of how to access their exchange account using the web interface.
You can view the new PG Email Policy here:
The Ezproxy security certificate has expired. Some databases (e.g. Lexis) will create an error message in the web browser. While this is not new, the message will be different (relating to expired certificates rather than to mis-matched certificates). Users will still be able to get to the content but will have to click on the appropriate links. For instance, in I.E. there will be an unblock bar across the top which allows content to be unblocked. For Lexis this will need to be done twice.
We asked ICTS to renew the certificate over a week ago but, as with a number of other jobs, it hasn’t happened. I am following up with them, but haven’t yet been able to get hold of the person I want.
Deleted records should go from Summon in the next day or so. However, this is being done in a way different to how I first set it up, so if after Easter, you notice records in Summon that are not in the Catalogue, let me know what they are – the purported bib# would be handy.
Thanks, Peter
EBL Ebooks offer the choice to view online, or download. Normally you will not have to download (see the wiki for details) but if you do, you need software on your PC.
As you cannot install this software, we are pushing it out to all staff machines in the Library. It should install next time you restart your PC. If you are intending to use the Download function for an EBL book, then you must first enable this software. This needs only be done once. Instructions:
a) From the start menu, click on Adobe Digital Editions
b) You will get a licence screen – click on I Agree
c) On the second screen click on Continue
d) On the third screen click on the last option, Don’t authorize computer. See note below for more details, and a screen shot.
e) On the fourth screen click on Continue
The fifth screen brings up Adobe Digital Editions. You can shut this down – it will be activated when you actually come to download an EBL ebook.
Note on authorizing computer. In step d) above we recommend the last option. In some cases you might want to authorize a computer for off-line use – see the wiki for more details on this.
For 40 minutes or so early this morning, the Catalogue was broken. We recovered a copy from backup – but this copy is a couple of weeks old. We copied across the Saved-Searches file from the current version so hopefully none were lost, but there is a slight possibility that some were. Sadly if so, we probably cannot recover them.
Over the last week over 100,000 EEBO records have been added to the catalogue. The records have not yet been configured for Ezproxy but this will happen shortly.
Peter Kennedy