ICTS are having problems with one of their file systems. For some students this is meaning very slow logins; for us it can mean all networked jobs (e.g .opening a document on the K: drive) can be very slow.
No timetable for resolution but ICTS are looking at it.
On Wednesday morning, at about 9 am, the Q: drive will become unavailable for about an hour. For those of you (mainly in MB) who have an M: drive, this will also be unavailable.
We have run out of disk space, so have purchased more. ICTS need to make the drives unavailable while this new space is added.
hi everyone that deals with the library closing routine.
For ease of access I have relocated the Gate reading folder to the yellow cabinet by the hold shelf (rather than the pink cabinet temporarily stuck in the AV room).
I have found a silver sleeper earring in the staff stairwell (Central Library).
If you think it might be yours please come and have a look – it will be in the tray on the top shelf of the lost property cupboard (behind the lending desk).
Horizon and the Catalogue will be unavailable for about 15 minutes from 5.10 pm. This is to enable us to increase the memory resources available to Horizon.
The Institutional Repository will also be down for several hours, starting some time between 5 pm and 7 pm. This is to enable additional disk to be added and for software patches to be applied.