Digital Library was being upgraded overnight. They had hoped it would be available by now, but it is not. I think that all the indexes are being rebuilt which is a slow job. I’ll advise when it becomes available.
As well as the MB databases & Law Reform this also affects the administration of Electronic Reserves although it should not affect access to these by our students.
A faster than normal delivery this year! 2009 finals are now available. The only extra course granted an exemption this time around, at least that I am aware of, is cmds 222. As usual, any mistakes, omissions or questions direct them at me.
Just a wee suggestion for anyone handling the delivery of warehouse storage requests to Central.
Please can you make sure to place them in a hamper or satchel labelled “central library”. Or (if hand-delivering) they can be brought
up to the basket labelled “storage processing” in the CKI area in Lending.
Today there was a pile of requests just left sitting on the bench in the unpacking room without labels e.t.c. It’s easy for such items to be missed when we do the unpacking.
Digital Library remains unavailable following a server upgrade on Wednesday morning. ICTS have done a number of these upgrades, and this is the first that has had a problem. ICTS staff are treating this as urgent and if they are not successful in fixing the problem soon, we will contact our Vendors.
The Horizon server is having routine software patches applied tonight. This means the Catalogue will be unavailable (and Horizon although nobody should be here) for three hours from 9 pm.
Endnote X3 was released mid-year and will be the version installed in the ICTS workrooms. It has a fair few minor improvements, but it is not a major re-write. It will become available in Add/Remove programs reasonably soon, but if there are staff who have time to look at it now, and perhaps help with updating the Wiki, let me know. Donna and I will be involved with Wiki updates as well, so we will try and coordinate what we do.
ICTS are doing an upgrade tomorrow which will affect the MB Databases and Digital Library. The hope is that the upgrade, and the testing Margaret and I have to do, will be completed by 10 am. But from 7 am until then, these will not be available.
ACS is currently unavailable. It was automatically locked during the weekend because of systematic abuse from a UC address. We are attempting to identify the login used, and will contact ACS. However, the blocking is automatic but the unlocking is not, so it may be that we cannot get it unblocked until Monday in the USA.
On campus the non-ezproxied login will work – but there is no remote access.