All posts by blogsarchive

Office 2003 repair: restart your PC at lunchtime or when at tea

The next time your computer starts it will do a reinstallation of Office 2003. This process can take up to 10 minutes which is why we suggest you restart your computer when you are going to lunch, tea or a meeting.

Please, could somebody in each section with a laptop, ensure that laptops are connected and started-up. You don’t want to face this process just before teaching starts.

This very unexciting reinstallation adds nothing new, but is one of the necessary preliminaries for us to move to Office 2007 later in the year.

Endnote users: it may be necessary to run a Repair on Endnote in Add/Remove programs to reinsert the Endnote Toolbar. If, when you start Word for the first time, you get an Endnote error message click on Yes. When Word starts, go to the Help menu and select “About Microsoft Office Word”. Click “Disabled Items”, highlight any Endnote items and click “Enable”. Talk to Library IT if you have ongoing problems.

Thank you, Peter.

Network problems continue

Again, this morning, we are having network problems that can mean very slow response, or some network drives not being available. ICTS are working on this although clearly they have not yet found a long-term solution as it keeps happening. Restarting may help, although there is the risk that it takes a long time to log in so may not be prudent at the moment.


Office 2007 – an update

ICTS expect to change over student workstations to Office 2007 on November 16th. We hope to move Library Staff to Office 2007 before that date. This will keep us in step with our students, and enable us to properly investigate products such as the latest version of Sharepoint, for document sharing.

Office 2007 has some major advantages (especially in Outlook) but it also has disadvantages – the main one being that the menu bar looks quite different. There will be some adaption needed and we have been talking to Janelle Blythe in ICTS about holding some demonstration sessions closer to the time of switch-over.

There are also a number of online resources available in Learn: you will need to login. Once in scroll down to see the Office 2007 materials.

We will provide more details as we have them.


Internet Explorer 8 and Remote Access

You may get queries from remote users connecting to databases and using Internet Explorer 8 – the latest version.

When they first connect they will get a message that looks like this:

The correct answer is NO. There is no security risk associated with this – it is caused by the Ezproxy login prompt but we expect that we can change the way this works to avoid this message from appearing; we will look to do that in the next few days.

Thanks, Peter

Cantwl3 not available tonight – Saturday morning

Our last Windows server, Cantwl3, is being moved to a ‘virtual server’ tonight. This process will start at 6.00 pm and will probably not finish until mid-day Saturday. I have given Sandra Gover a wee bit more detail, but the main items affected are Digital Library and the Mopier Scan to Network function – neither of which will be available.

The MB Databases, Topomap, and thesis digital-deposit forms will also be unavailable.


Midyear Exam Papers

The library has now been supplied with the 2009 Midyear exam papers. This will doubtless occasion widespread joy. To compound the ecstasy, this year there were also 36 (as far as I can work out: it looks like 59 were set but only 36 used) Swine Flu Specials. These will become available shortly, when I finish tweaking them. The main bunch is up live now. There were 3 exemptions granted by the Academic Committee, ACIS 213, ACIS 233 and MGMT 101. As usual, anything noticed to be incorrect, missing or broken please tell me and I will try to fix it.

Jack Arron