You may find you get queries about Topomap not working. This is because it moved servers some weeks ago. Many staff did change their connection, but not all will know about the move. The original server has now been shut-down.
Those who contact us will be those who have a shortcut on their desktop – web access has not changed. In U:\Library\Shortcuts there is a new topomap shortcut which can be dragged out onto a desktop.
The server on which Digital Library resides will be replaced with a Virtual Server on Friday night. Because of the large amount of data to copy across, it will probably not be available again until later on Saturday. This will affect access to Digital Library and also to E-Reserves, although these should be available quite early on Saturday morning.
There have been no problems today. The following message is from ICTS:
Our Windows file servers have been running at normal performance levels since midday Thursday. We are continuing to monitor them closely and have our suppliers ready to analysis any results if the slowness issue returns.
We would like you and the staff you look after to return to your normal operating practices. If you normally log out and shut down your computer, please do so tonight.
We thank you all for your patience over the past few days.
Helen Doidge prepared a chart with details about our various classes of user, and the e-resources to which they have access. I have added a little to that document. It is on the Wiki as E-resources and User Categories
Thanks, Peter
On several occasions over the weekend borrowers were unable to make request on the Catalogue, and Library staff were also unable to make those same requests in Horizon. Error messages referred to limits being reached. However, those requests were able to be placed later in the day.
I don’t know what caused this, but if you see repeats of this problem please let Library IT know with borrower and request details. Thanks, Peter.
ICTS still recommend we take this step. Machines that have not been restarted for several days may not be fully functional and we would suggest that at a quiet time, branches try restarting just one PC. If it does not take too long to restart, and to log-in, then it would be worth doing the rest.
ICTS have discovered a problem with the network and are trying to fix it. Some programs are running slow and others not at all. Do NOT log off your PC as their is a good chance you will not be able to log back on.
The Maths and Statistics Departmental Homepage cannot be accessed today. ICTS staff have been contacted, but are unable to restore access as the site is administered by the department. We have been unable to contact the departmental administrator.
On Wednesday morning there will be important changes made to our filing systems – hopefully unnoticed by all, but we should be so lucky!
When you login on Wednesday some of your network drives will be pointing to a new location – in particular Q: and S:. If you use M: this also will move. If you are here particularly early you may find that not all files seem to be in place as they are being copied from their old location to the new. This may particularly be noticeable with the Q: drive because of the number of files contained here. The L: drive will disappear.
I’ll let you know of any problems that arise. This is part of our decommissioning of two old Windows servers and a move to the ICTS-hosted file system.