Earlier I noted that there would be changes to the I drive used to collect scans sent from Mopiers. This does not affect scans to email addresses which has not changed.
Some of these changes have taken place already, but most will happen tomorrow. If, on or after Wednesday, you scan to the I: drive and you can’t see your item, please contact Library IT. We should be able to either talk you through the small change needed, or use remote connection to update your drive.
For those of you who scan from the mopier onto the I drive, be aware that the current I drive will be replaced shortly (as the server it is on is being retired).
What does this mean?
a) If you have files saved in the current I drive, and you want to keep them, move them elsewhere because they will not be retained. In practice the I drive should always be seen as a transitory space – scanned files should be dealt with and deleted. If you want to keep scanned files move them to somewhere more appropriate.
b) Your I drive will be altered. We will do this Mopier by Mopier e.g. when the Collections mopier is moved we will also help Collections staff change their I drive, as needed.
c) During the transition period Interloans will be able to pick up documents scanned to both old and new I drives.
On Sunday afternoon all external email stopped being forwarded to our inboxes. While this has been fixed, it has resulted in a large backlog of email which will slowly be delivered during today. This is causing other, internal email delays – especially if you are scanning from Mopiers. Email sent directly from one UC Exchange (Outlook) account to another Exchange account should still be rapid.
Dearest Information Librarians (and assorted verifiers),
The UCPRd has been ‘upgraded’ to allow you to sort an author’s outputs by content type. So if you’re looking at ‘all outputs’ for an author (in the normal view, rather than in the Library verification mode), be aware that the default listing is no longer alphabetical by year, as was previously the case. If, like me, you find that a bit of a pain, you can change the way the list is displayed by setting the rankings of all content types to ‘1’. Click on the ‘Show Output Options’ link to customise your display settings. The screenshot below shows the settings that allow you to view all outputs by year in strictly alphabetical order.
Note that in the Library Verification view, lists of outputs by author are not alphabetical – they too are ranked in order of scholarly importance (i.e. journal articles before conference papers, etc.). As far as I can tell, it’s not possible to change the sort order in the Library Verification view (but please feel free to correct me if I’m wrong).
On Thursday, the version of Firefox on staff PCs will be upgraded to version 3. We are currently on 2, but the upgrade brings us into line with the student PCs and fixes some security issues.
In case you are wondering, the Electric Stapler that was by the Ricoh Printers on level 2 fused yesterday – sparks, and blown circuit breakers. The stapler is with the Copy Centre who will have it checked.