Hi to everyone with lending back-up (LB) shifts on the lending desk.
We are relabelling the CD collection so it is easier to read the labels in the new CD shelves. This is also a good opportunity to replace any broken cases so our CD collection will look good once it is out on the open floor.
A trolley full of CD’s, call number labels, new cases and tattle-tape strips will be left at the LB desk for anyone to play with when it is not busy on the CKO desk. Instructions are on the trolley, see Romy if there is any confusion.
At CKI/returns can people please check to see if any returned CD’s have new labels (labels in the top right hand corner of the cd case). Any without the new labels should be placed in the basket next to the AV shelving basket.
Hi everyone
To keep all restricted loans AV material together – the restriced loan film DVDs [e.g call number (DVD) EDU] and the reclassified documentary DVDs (with LC call numbers), formerly located next to reference interloans shelf, have been moved next to the restriced loan running number sequence AV items – i.e. the shelves next to the lost property cupboard.
We have encountered a small number of students who find that when the try to run the Endnote add-ins in Word, they get a Word macro security message. Despite the suggestions in the prompt, nothing will enable Endnote.
The cases I’ve met have all been new students. Resetting their profile seems to clear things up. They should approach ICTS staff to do this as there can be consequences (e.g. bookmarks will disappear).
I’d be interested in hearing of other cases of this as I’m not sure how wide-spread it is.
Hi all
The Library Tower Race is happening (weather permitting) on March 19. Posters promoting the event have been printed and are in the process of being put up all over campus. The posters say to enter/sign-up at the Central library or Recreation Centre so you may be asked “where to sign up” by prospective entrants.
The sign-up sheets @ Central are located on the back of the 3 blue display panels by the helpdesk (tell prospective entrants to look for the bright orange posters.
The course code AFIS has now been changed to ACIS. A subtle change which still sounds the same when uttered by borrowers at the desk. Handy to know when you are doing a course code search.
Note follows from ICTS. Hopefully this will not cause problems but if you get error messages in Horizon, you may need to shut Horizon down, and restart. – Peter
On Tuesday 24th February between 7pm and 8pm the network router in the Psychology building will be swapped resulting in an up to 30 second network outage at some stage during this hour for the following buildings/networks: Psychology, Sociology, Geography, Law, Law Library, The Dock and UCTL.
Wireless connectivity in these areas will be unavailable for the hour.
Note follows from ICTS. Hopefully this will not cause problems but if you get error messages in Horizon, you may need to shut Horizon down, and restart. – Peter
On Tuesday 24th February between 6pm and 7pm the network router in the Rutherford building will be swapped resulting in an up to 30 second network outage at some stage during this hour for the following buildings/networks: Rutherford building (Chemistry/Physics/UC Opportunity), Facilities Management, Physical Sciences Library, Te Whare Akonga o Te Akatoki and Ilam Rd houses. In addition wireless connectivity in these areas will be unavailable for the hour.
The level 9 photocopier is now a mopier with student printing available – but no scan to email function.
By default, students logging into Library PCS on levels 2 – 4 will get printing to Level 2. Students logging into PCs on levels 6, 8 – 11 will get printing on Level 9. They can over-ride this if they manually choose their printer.
This is a brief note and I will elaborate on this later.
At the moment, a student on campus will be faced with a Webgate prompt when they go to a libguides page. This is because Libguides is an external web site. If you are asked, recommend that the student login to Webgate. They will not be charged for Internet Traffic to Libguides, which is charged to the Library.
We hope to get rid of the Webgate prompt (and indeed did last week) but it means finding every possible combination of Libguide links and noting them in Ezproxy. The site does go through Ezproxy (which is why the Library is charged) but this is a misuse of Ezproxy which is actually designed to enable off-campus access to resources – not a problem with Libguides which is freely accessible off-campus.
Because of this, even if we can get rid of the prompt, it is likely to be a recurring problem but this is something I’ll tell you more about when we have done additonal testing.