All posts by blogsarchive

Endnote and connections, styles and filters

A few of you have noted a change of behaviour in Endnote X2 with regards to Connections, Filters and Styles. It used to be that Endnote looked only at the files stored in the locations referenced in Edit, Preferences, Folder Locations.

This is no longer the case. The files in that location are now considered to be locations for your personal files. So Endnote not only displays the files in these folders, but also the full default set that comes with the installation. This is unweildy in that there are over 2700 connection files, over 600 filter files and over 3600 style files. Whenever you open the Connection Manager (or its style or filter counterparts) Endnote grabs the files from both the installation and the personal locations. The result is a slow-to-load, rather large list. There doesn’t seem to be an easy way around this as the Endnote software comes in a single package with no way of removing redundant files.

Within the default Endnote Connection files, there is a UC catalogue connector called simply U Canterbury. There are also three National Library connectors called Nat Lib of NZ …

I will see if there is any more information about this, but in the meantime be aware that this seems to be the way it works.

Libguides: URLs

The Libguides URL has been slightly simplified. It is now and for those of you who have been sending out links for others to review, this is the one to use. It isn’t going to change again in the near future.

In so far as linking is concerned, when a guide is ready to be linked we would look to take the existing subject page link – usually in a form such as and redirect this to point to the new guide. This would mean from the student’s perspective, no change to URLs if, for instance, they had created bookmarks to particular pages.

We’ll be talking more to Janette about the process of actually publishing the guide and will let you know more in the future.

Libguides – at the moment use

Unfortunately, students using the PC workrooms cannot get to – and ICTS cannot see an easy way around this (basically because it looks like a Canterbury site, Webgate never asks for authentication, so the student can never get to the site which is really off-campus – even if they have authenticated on another site, it doesn’t work).

Because of this LibGuides have set our site to which does work for students.

I have more testing to do and need to talk to ICTS further, and it would be nice to streamline this but at least this does give us a working URL

Thanks, Peter

Tattle-taping the CD collection

Hi All

Work has begun on tattle-taping the CD collection in the Central Library.
Unfortunately we have run out of tattle-tape strips and are only about a third of the way through. Work will progress as soon as we get hold of some more strips.
In the meantime – please be aware when issuing CD’s that some disks will be stripped and will need desensitising.
This can be done with the CD’s in their cases (you may need to swipe both sides of a double-cd case).

Also make sure that tattle-taped CD’s returned at CKI (or at the lending desk) are sensitised before they are re-shelved.

Thanks for your vigilance!

Training Room logins – need to check your login

If you have a training room login (i.e. librc …) please check this well ahead of time (at least a week if you can) because Library IT can no longer reset your passwords. ICTS have brought in a new accounting system and I will need to get their help desk to reset passwords in future.

We hope we can get this changed back to the way it was but in the meantime early testing is the way to go.

Thanks, Peter

Horizon Upgrade Thursday

A reminder about the upgrade on Thursday morning. When you start your PCs on Thursday they should pick up the new version of Horizon but please do not try to run this until we contact you.

We hope to have lending desks going by 9 am. Other services will be tested after that.

Wednesday – Lending desks should avoid restarting their computers today as you will pick up the new client and this won’t be much use to you tonight. Shut down these machines as usual when the Library closes.

Thanks, Peter

Central Library documentary dvds moving to open shelves

Hi everyone

We have started moving documentary dvds out onto the open shelves on Level 2 (next to the exam papers).
There are 2 types of these – new dvds from collection services with LC call numbers and old dvds still with running number sequences. On the catalogue the running number sequence dvds will still say “Ask at Lending Desk” so you may still get borrowers asking for these at the desk. We are working on changing this message.
While the move is taking place you may have to look in 2 places to find running number sequence dvds – on the new open shelves or behind the lending desk.
We also ask that all dvds that come through check in be placed in the dvd returns tray so we can sort/process them.

Sorry for any inconveniences

Romy & Fiona