All posts by blogsarchive

CS Gold (i.e. Diebold) – significant outage early September

This is advance notice of a major upgrade that will render CS Gold unavailable for a couple of days in early September. The following is from ICTS and as you can see dates are slightly vague at the moment, but we keep you informed as details become more precise.

The CS-Gold system is to be upgraded during the second week of the Semester Break, starting September 1st. The Canterbury Card incorporates many 24 hours a day services, which are linked to the CS-Gold system. This is a significant upgrade project, and unfortunately, it is likely that the system will be unavailable for a maximum of two days, sometime during this week, the most likely timeframe being Wednesday 3rd and much of Thursday 4th. The exact timing is yet to be determined and depends on how well the upgrade proceeds.

Peter Kennedy

Mid-year exams avaiable.

The 2008 mid-year exam papers are now up on the web. Please tell Jack if anybody notices any problems such as mis-named files. The Academic Committee has this time around allowed 5 exemtions from exams being held in the Library and they are: mgmt 101, mgmt 102, afis 123, afis 203, afis 233. These files were removed by the Printery prior to their sending me the rest of the pdf files.

Jack Arron