All posts by blogsarchive

Horizon upgrade

As things progress Library IT will add comments.

Library IT are currently going around the branches bring the Lending Desks online, but it will still be awhile before other staff can get access. Until you are notified, please stay out of Horizon.

The catalogue is currently working. Please notify any problems to Library IT. It may occassionally go up and down during the day. If it is down, wait a couple of minutes then try again. If it is still down ring Library IT.


Gin, Television, and Social Surplus

Gin, Television, and Social Surplus – Here Comes Everybody” by Clay Shirky

This is the most awe-inspiring article I’ve read for a long time.

Shirky points out that technological advances have given us (compared to previous eras) a lot of free time which until recently we’ve spent on consuming content (eg watching tv, reading books), whereas now Web 2.0 makes it easy for people to communally create content (Wikipedia is the obvious example; but another of my favourites is Project Gutenberg Distributed Proofreaders and there are many many more).

“Let’s say that everything stays 99 percent the same, that people watch 99 percent as much television as they used to, but 1 percent of that is carved out for producing and for sharing. The Internet-connected population watches roughly a trillion hours of TV a year. That’s about five times the size of the annual U.S. consumption. One per cent of that is 100 Wikipedia projects per year worth of participation.

I think that’s going to be a big deal. Don’t you?”

Ricoh Printer in Den

The new Den printer now defaults to duplex. I’ve ordered two printer cartridges which should arrive tomorrow morning and will be kept under the Help Desk. These will keep us going until the automatic delivery system begins. If you need some training in paper loading and cartridge loading when the Help Desk starts up again, please get me or someone from Info Services to show you the ropes.

Weekend outages

Blackboard Sunday 9.00am – 12 noon (but may be available earlier)
Telephones in Civil and Electrical buildings from 7.30 Saturday
Horizon, the catalogue, parts of Library web and some database access from 5pm Sunday.

If there are issues during the weekend, please read Counterculture and contact the Supervisor.

Diebold unavailable 2 hours 9/7/08

On Wednesday 9th July from 9 am to 11 am, UCDieboldTPS will be taken offline so it can be cloned to the virtual machine CSGoldTest.

For Library services desks this means no fine or lost book payments can be made, nor checking the account balance via the Diebold GUI.

If a borrower has a blocking fine, please override the fine and CKO whilst Diebold is unavailable but advise the borrower that the fine will need to be cleared before the next CKO.

Days when card services not available

From the Office of the Card Co-ordinator:
“This Friday, 4 July, during the Emergency Response Exercise in the Science Lecture Block, the staff of the Canterbury Card Office will be unable to access their office and will be acting as casualties. This of course will mean that we will be unable to provide any services relating to visitor set-ups, after-hours access, CS-Gold (Diebold), Canterbury Cards or library cards.

As yesterday’s All-Staff notice said, on the previous day, Thursday, the Science Lecture Block will be closed for setting up for the exercise. The Canterbury Card staff will be here to deal with requests by email, telephone and fax, but of course no one will be able to visit us in person.”
No External Borrower cards will be made from 7-18 July inclusive, whilst Semester 2 enrolment is taking place. ULANZ/CTA registrations will continue as normal.