All posts by blogsarchive

Wireless upgrade of Central complete

ICTS and Library IT have been working on a wireless upgrade of the Central Library over the last three months. This has more than doubled the wireless capacity of the Central Library. All floors now have wireless access. Good coverage is now available on over 90% of each floor. For more information on coverage see

What do you like about working at UC Libraries?

The great team environment? The wonderful collections? The opportunity to empower users for lifelong learning? Or even the fabulous morning teas?

The theme of Library Week 2008 (18-24 August) is “What’s your story? Nou te kōrero”. To celebrate (and promote the library) we’re looking at creating a couple of videos asking library staff and library users what they like about the library.

We’re going to start by making the library staff video (3-5min total). If all goes well with that it’ll go up on the library website, we’ll make the student one, and both would be up together during Library Week. So next week I’m going to be coming around all the branches with my trusty webcam-enabled laptop to film anyone willing — and I do mean anyone!

  • shelvers, desk staff, information librarians, collections, bindery, IT, interloans, admin, anyone I’ve shamefully forgotten… — and yes, managers too!
  • young or mature, new-kid-on-the-block or old-hand, glasses-bun-and-cardie or Paula-Ryan-fashionable!

If you’re interested in saying a word, sentence or paragraph for the video; know someone I can bully encourage; or just want more information, please email me or phone me ext.7147.

And even if you’re not interested in being in the video, why not leave a comment here: what do you like about working at UC Libraries?

** Engineering Library phone numbers 24-27 June **

“University IT has alerted us that:

Starting at 6:15 PM on the 24th of June and for the following 3 nights (25th, 26th, and 27th) the phone services in the Engineering Core Block including […] Engineering Library […] will be interrupted as the services are migrated to a new cable.

Each phone will be unavailable for up to 7 hours on one of these nights. Unfortunately, due to the complexity of the task, it is not possible to determine the exact time or on which night this will happen for individual phones.

To avoid any service interruption, we’re going to call-forward the EL desk phone to Physical Sciences Library (ext. 6594) at 6pm on each of these evenings. We’ve also got two cell phones over here for the duration, so if you need to contact EL specifically between 6pm-11pm on the 24th-27th June, try one of:

  • 027 453 0968
  • 027 497 5670

Link to Federated Searching from homepage

The Federated Searching project group met on Wednesday and decided that the link to federated searching will be put on the Library’s homepage on Tue 8th July- this is a week before the second semester begins. If you’re not familiar with it yet, check it out from the draft page or from the existing link.
If you would like any changes made to the help screen wording, please post your suggestions here or email Catherine Jane or me.

Educause Learning Initiative (ELI)

The Library has agreed to UCTL’s request for joint funding of access to ELI, an initiative of Educause for a trial period of one year.
The site gives us access to documentation, podcasts, and other resources relating to teaching and learning developments. There are also conferences, mostly in the US but some seem to be online. We also receive a regular email newsletter the first of which I have saved to k/InformationServices/ELI.
It will be interesting to see how useful this site will be for us, please add your comments.

‘Hold Shelf’ – Central Library

To assist the Interloans Team we have made a small but important change that will affect staff at the Lending Desk, and those who deal with the process of clearing Expired Holds from the Hold Shelf.

All Interloans on the general Hold Shelf will now have a black card inserted with the Hold slip – rather than one of the more common ‘daily’ coloured cards. Please remember that these items are still to be issued to the borrower using the blue ‘temporary barcode’ slip inside the book cover.

From today onwards the Interloans staff will take care of clearing any Expired Interloan Holds that need to be removed from the Hold Shelf. If you are involved in the routine tasks of clearing the Expired Holds either in the evening or during the day, then please do not remove any Interloan items, i.e. items that have the Black cards.